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Helplessly in love

Chapter 4 Persuaded

Word Count: 969    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

s A

I've found a wife, not only a wife but someone that could bring happiness to my son's life. Although

is right hand and the other hand dipped into his pocke

d relieved

ore sitting

couldn't wait to br

d exc


ed sur

know?" I aske

could mak

ot without ro

I've found a wife f


"I continued. He

i know?"

?" He aske

ame is

lip. I don't know how he w

He was thinking...like trying t

't kno

reaking t

u with her he

es widened when h

kidding me?, the bi

She's t

said and l

you to g

the woman i want. You made it clear to me, that yo

t the bike gi

and ruffle

've found a wife for m

en. For yours

aned a



i was doing t

ked outside to see the wo

door widely a


ed the door and

d I offer y

ng, I'

e?" She ask

I replied

esterday night ." I brought

d?" She asked,



to the voice a


as the rich woman and her son again. I'll go in there and make

man asked if she refused. I k


ntence. When the both turned to loo

s A

d out,

w her?"M

and dropped my b

here?" I asked igno

something?, it's Rowan, righ

" She r


rried to your son, someone who

use of his past experience with someone unim

t even stay with him for a sec,let alone for

g two married elderly women if they know what ma

of how i felt when i found out that it was really him

rather than Rowan" I mumbled

after being hurt and rejected 2 years ago. He got arrogant, rude and cold, but with you..I think he was gonna come aro

o?. I've barely known

rdly. I know it

d looking at mom. She has been stealing gl

u want anything to eat?" My mom asked happily. "A

Once the door got shut, mom he

t.. " I ste

k about it?, y

as useless

ds me,so i expect her to

preparing for your

my hand from hers and

d with you, i'll make sure i add mor

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