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Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

d prospects in life so as to make their daughter live comfortably with him. Bryan stayed for a while at Angela's, and excused her outside to tell her to prepare for a vi

ith the idea cos they wouldn't want their son to live a life of regret, fo

very young age, and they concluded that they will not give their concent. Bryan later we

Dad..." S

both replied uni


n then

repared for Angela's v

kind of look which indicated that "this guy is damn serious"

y feel about this girlfriend of you

ght now...we feel you are about to make a very terrible mistake

but please.... kindly trust

ering and confused woman, because, B

eceive you, nor put you in a tight corner, that

ide on something like that without putting him into consideration as their only child. His father just could not say a word, because he saw from Bryan countenance that hearing all

th still remains that, we just can not take decisions for

ment, Bryan th

I am mature enough to know the difference between "pleasant and terrible". Why then do you t

who was bold enough to tell hi

ant me to be ha

yan angrily walked out on his parents and went inside the house. He went straight to his room, and banged the door. Few minutes later, his parents walked in and knocked on his door.

parents, we do not mean to get

us darling...p

s he knew they must be heart broken, for them to be in suc

in such a condition, nor hear them c


ree of them cried so much, just almost like that of thesame day he returned from school. He quickly apologized to his parents for making them cry, and pro

ow the reason for his mother to have said all she

reason(s) for saying those things t

hat was going on between his wife and son, cos he was

know mom and dad l

an rep

t please I would love

mom con

at was because I am scared of

always be there for me again,

replied her

ve his mom and dad to cl

ust couldn't

Bryan co

ing me from cleaving to my own wife and bu

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