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Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

nd went to where his parents were seated. He jumped on them l

et son, because we ha


ive our support and concent IF...! I mean...IF, you and

Though he knew he's the only child of his parents, and they don't want to loose him, for there would be no one to stay with them after he must have left their house for his own, to live with his w

condition, the only answer to th

r fears, but please try to unde

right now, neither do I h

et me think about it properly firs

into doing what he would not be comfortable doing. So, the father gave hi

n the world my son, plea

ecause of that, Shane just could not go back home because he does not enjoy moving at night. So he decided to pass the night at Bryan's place. A

ryan in a discussion concerning what transpi

o do about what your parent


parents fears, but I do not

ne rep

th Angela first before concluding

Angela is the best thing t

her place to speak with her i

energy. At that time, Mr and Mrs Joey were having a discussi

k our son would agr

Joey r

stic here, but I just want us to leave our son to take

e smiled,

t! I think that's th

bed and joined the domestic staff to do some chores in the house. Afterwards, freshened up, had breakfast with everyone, and then set out for Shane's place to do some wedding planning together. Shane was

ver to Angela's house. When he got there, Angela was so happy to see him. He greeted her parents, and every other person around. Sat and discussed with them for a moment, and signa

doing fine, m

la rep

I am

re good too

an an

m good, t


challenge with regards to ou

ear that from Bryan. Out o

e matter m

yan r

talk about it, and to know you

s to get married, only if we would st

asked im

t w


cared of l

he only child the

la re


ave our time to ourselves if we

, and the feeling he got immediately his father said that to him.

ou think we s

n was quite okay by him, but not

t's do it

ing, we will stay with them for like a year or two,

my love...you still have

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