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Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

another woman, his wife. Bryan angrily left his parents again in the garden, and went straight inside. But this time, he picked up a few of his clothes, came out of the house, and went awa

r them again, till

y felt it was best to give him his space, thinking he would come back home on his own. Not knowing his plan was different. Few h

s looks, he was not ok

..you o

couldn't s

then sai

ryan, please

oing through. He went into his kitchen and made Bryan some dinner of hotdogs and Greek yogurt. Brya

yan, can w

od to t

yan r

best f

t being able to say anythin

ord when I first came in, I j

ne rep

hing...and that's why I didn't both

ryan began to talk to his

..my parents

ould be introducing my wife to be to them in two d

ot the best to do such, and that he should give his parents some more time for they would come around to understand that the decision of a life partner is not to be done

You got a p

fter a while, retired

place, asking all those they knew their son was keeping as friends, yet, there was no headway for them to reac

police station to inform

ng to do at this point, because Bryan

d respo

e righ

n, they both came to a reasonable conclusion that they should both go home and wait for some more time, a

have that belief that our s

's mom th

e right

air. About two hours later, Bryan and his friend, Shane came into Bryan's father's compound. They went through the front door, while his parents were sea


second and third time, yet his parents still did

, let's check

" Shane r

d, and behold...his parents were

d..." Bry

was their son. They ran to him a

ome dear...we are so happ

omed warmly. They all went into the house, sat in the living room, and had dinner together

ing to you today is to know your

I would li

at himself and his wife have discussed about it

ings, because we now understand that you truly love this woman in q

seen by the father, just on heari

xpenses, we will take


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