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I Belong To A Wolf

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1589    |    Released on: 20/07/2021


ries out. She grabs me and holds me tightly. "What the hell a

bar and tried to find someone to tell

at at her. "What the hell

ee if they marked y

e for wha

rowl comes from the

p and wait for the grumbling wolf to walk by all of us.

ront of me. He grabs me by the chin and pushes me down. "Not you..... at least no

nd leaves the cabin. I grab Deanne. "Wh

s, pulling to the

brought here that night I went on a date with Archie. He was nice, but he took me for a drive, and now I am here. I woke

my neck. I feel a collar. I open my mouth to scream, but Deanne places h

going to do w

are getting at. The wolves make us work. We cook and clean for them. I do not know what h

the hell out o

er women. "Don't you think we have all trie

going to live the rest of my life," I say to her. I curl up i

t be okay. I cannot live like this. I cannot be someone's servant. I am in med

us. They stopped loo

come. I bet Alpha lost it when you came i

down from him

wolves will beat you. Don't be a hero. Just d


e first week I was here. I finally stopped fighting. I cook, cle

best for you,

of the other ladies come over to say hi. Before t

the blonde-haired one. Archie is a real bastard.

iend," Aspen says. Aspen grabs a few more women as we make our way to the fron

our eyes straight a

g on in the cabin. This hell cannot be my new life. I t

says. We wait while Aspen goes inside the cab

be okay,"

to cabin as he goes in and gets a handful of women from each cabin. How ma

any trouble from the wolves. Keep your head down an

ive house at the end of the row of cabins

got me. My mind and heart are full of rage.

as you did last night, lit

ittle girl, wolf

. You are lucky you did not get chosen. Maybe I will step it up an

," Deanne scr

ound. "Work them hard, Aspen," Alpha says,

to our feet. "That was s

I am sorr

one; you are going to cause us to end up at that awful place

ace?" I

keep your mouth shut," Aspen says. He takes m

e going to get yourself killed

d no one will tell me what is

ttage and start cleaning, do the laundry, scrub some

ave managed to piss off everyone. Since no one is speaking to me for pissing

aundry; it is down t

everywhere. I start separating the laundry and working as fast as I can.

arn you. You cannot bark at the Alpha. You have to lay low. We need to do our work and fly under the radar until we figure out how to ge

behave, but I can p

n here. I want to get out of here alive and

ad my side of things. I came here to help her, and now I am trapped h

She is different. What have they done to you? I look over at her. I want to smile and tell her we will be

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