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I Belong To A Wolf

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 20/07/2021


y when we go into the cabin. I look around for a cot to sleep on and finally decide on one close to the window and aw

next to me," Dea

to be close to the w

there are guards outside just waiting for one

I was sorry, and I have tried to stay away from them for mos

all. I am not planning to jump out of it.

d thanks to you," on

ant to go home. I need a shower. The other women go in and out of the back to the shower. I watc

wel. I go into the last shower and turn on the water. I step inside and let the water run over me wh

my body. "It gets better," I hear

r; you have to cooperate and be pleasant, Angela. None of us wan

e a life. Hell, you have a life; that is why I c

out what is going on here. These wolves are not playing with us, and trust me,

at the Alpha; it was stupid. I have said I was sorry to you and

to work this late before, but because you pissed the Alpha off, we had to work our ass off today. Look, a lot is going on here;

ibly be worse than being he

ending up with a vampire in one

t are you talking abou

so that we can survive. I want to survive this. I want to go

r family begged me not to l

questions," Deanne sa

am in the dark trying to put on my clothes when I see eyes peering at me from

irl. Why are you back here this la

I am sorry. I do not need any more trouble, and I do not

ickly. "Try to hurry back to bed. If the Alpha finds out I let you stay up late, we wi

," I w

get back to bed, litt

down and pull the thin blanket up to my neck. The thought of vampires lurking has freaked me

the front door where another wolf is waiting. I can hear them talking, but I cannot make out what they are saying. I hear the word auction as they are talk

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