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I Belong To A Wolf

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 20/07/2021


, except this morning, Aspen comes straight to m

today," he says as he points

n gathers a few more women, and we start walking toward the woods. Damn, my bi

es his way close to me. "Are you scared? You

o stay alive,"

n keeping my eyes on you, l

at, big bad wo

I got a soft spot for big

s. They need to be spotless. All of the curtains need to be replaced with darker curtains. The bedrooms

ne and start cleaning. I take the old curtains down, throw them in the trash bin, and then clean the bedrooms. I

any help?"

er women hate me. If you help me, I will

nice since you are workin

eed any more trou

thing," A

I bark

and kisses me. I pull back from hi

ould get us both killed. I will make sure you are take

n this bed and spread my legs and say wh

favors. I am being nice to you because I want to be, don't

cabin alone. I can hear some of the other women laughing and talking. I wonder if they heard me talking to

e cabin. I look over to see the Alpha. Just great! He stands behind

omething, Alph

s start coming into the cabin as watching me hang the curtains. I continue working and

or. One of the wolves rushes in front of me a

e girl," Alpha growls at me. I

I ask him. The Alpha leans down to me and looks

nt to know abou

k to about your whereabouts. I can find out o

nyone to worry about look

lose to me I can feel the h

as the wolves leave us all alone. "I can smell your fear; you did not

Alpha," my voice trembles

tle girl. I could snap you into two pieces and

him. Alpha strikes me across the fac

or a long time. You will be mine forever. So get used to me, lit

es into the door and sees me lying on the floor. He reaches down and helps m

walk back to our cottage. I do not speak to the other women o

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