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Beauty Tames The Beast

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 23/07/2021


, not be careless and to l

in horror as I groaned, pulling myself u

thought I'm

ve, and besides, that brother of mine did not mention ab

ignoring the thro

rees sure

growled in anticipation as I slipped o

e that,



aniel, yelled in utter depression. "You could'

erally die. See, I'm a

iltily, pinching the fabric of my dress, whi

t and insisted on having my own fun around the woods, which did not go well as planned.

rds?" He scoffed, as if he'd just heard me tell

ally a fruit or a color

ng lady?" His voice sna

before chuckling. "I don't k

e groaned, giving me look of hopele

"I mean, the party's not over!" I moved up t

throbbing head of yours until it heals." He sta



, and have school tomorrow?"

ve been in school." He's now using his Alpha tone against me, he's not even the official Alph

I never listen to a

I never curse, I only do it

uestioned me even though he k

ly before hopping my way through the pack


, its not just any typical normal room, its size is as huge as a ball room. The pack house's no mans

nsisted that I'm theirs, when obviously I'm not. Well, to make matters short, I'm human, I don't have a wolf and whatnot about supernatural powers most were kinds have. I'm a

ve been pretty cautious on having to keep up myself with them, that I took most my

n, they don't take advantage of my mortality to hurt me, instead, they went batshit crazy once I do something to expose myself into danger. They won't even let a single

s guard? Easy! I let him drink to his heart's con

I faced the guy seriously, who cu

t." The gu

my door. I quickly locked it and shifted towards the huge

quipping it onto a dance studio. I love the art of dancing, and its calm, majestic, lovely way, together with that, I found a way connecting combat throug

hat awaits them. I was probably twelve back then, when I took interest on these wolve

sight of sweets and candies, to


chool today, haven't you?" My mother, Hera, the current

ned just a few eight hours ago, and I don't want her to know. "He told me to stay for the day to be sure I'm fine enough to g

ur mate." My best friend, Polly giggled from behind and I

ch I want one, and I've envied them for having their what so-called, soul mates. Luc

e shrugged and elbowed me lightly before sc

mumbled as I've said this line fo

xpecting for one, and its normal having one as well." Sometimes, I really think, mom could

e, though she hadn't found her mate yet, and she's lit

But, I've grown up around the were kinds, and not a single time I've been forgotten to be reminded on how precious t


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