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Beauty Tames The Beast

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

two magnificent men with my brother. Wel

iggled beside me as Owen s

usual loud atmosphere was gone and is replaced by different auras. Firstly,

es away from them and almost immedi

He do attract a lot of attention, but he never seemed to care. He's always bored and out of reach by others, as if he's only here for the search of entertainment. I could never reprehend

s so unknown that I can't differentiate him from being human

armth as he smiled. Yeah, he smiles, despite the glum aura he wore, he still had the guts to smile and l

returned his smile. He just had that thing in him that

y forehead. As soon as I touched it, it someho

e wave of calmness rapidly washes away from me, replaced by a

sity, I turned my attention towards another guy, whom probably the one who barg

nging of my ears, and the ache in my heart. I don't know what but something's pulling me towards him,

r quite a long time, as seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours

contact, cautiously. His stance shouts power, wealth and elegance, he's absolutely dangerous from th

in front of the guy who's i

thing as soon as he ordered it, he can

'm not scared, I'm lost on what to do, and I'm not daring to dr

e?" He asked, or

s I'm still lost on figuring what in

drawled out mischie

help but snap back. "Iconic.

I even had the guts to flash him a smile. He looked taken aback as his forest green e

though his eyes were still roaming my body, an

nod in understanding, catching a glance towar

ish his statement as the guy, Ethan, -even

e Luna." Drum rolls, this is iconic! I thought to myself as si

...he rej

at him, c

te? Wow! This is surreal! I have

just rejected me...he ac

kept echoing inside my head as

her asked. Like I said before, I

uld be happy,

me, does that m

little, as the pain seems to haven't

ly called fr

to believe all of this. Though, as I did, th

she's about to break, as if sh

the pain, not caring if there are a lot of people a

o stop it, Diana. He rejected you, and that's the biggest mistake he'll regret for the re

ht, eyeing Ethan. The feeling of the pull and attr

g a mate, anyway. Might as well

ls before, but mostly I didn't believe what I've read, since I'm in their actual wo

if I can't do


your rejection

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