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The Bad boy I Love Is My Betrothed Husband

The Bad boy I Love Is My Betrothed Husband


Chapter 1 ★

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: 02/08/2021

oad. My hair dangling behind my back, I couldn't help

as my leg entered into the pit but something

figure carried me in his arms, I couldn't help but blush. Although the fig

if the figure read my mind, he looked at me with his darkened face under the moonl

rms. Suddenly, I felt a heavy for

me.......” I yelled dragg

eyes and found herself on the floor, She had stri

ce and glanced at the time before p

ince she ran away from home, Sh

n. Although She is scared he would find her hideout

lla Grey had always loved Klaus Grey when she got t

ggy shirt like she loves. Her dad had always hated her nature o

loves, she loves

out of her room. She decided to check if her ro

s, She walke

e, as usual, she loved the sight of pe

turned around to see a beautiful girl. She's dres

History class, 102” She read

ss” The girl replied

Big @ss, B*obs or intelligence

e. I just love to dress

pointed nod, she fin

was filled with students. With a silent st

rse voice sounded behind Dimple. Clicking

, she strutter on the brutal w

aw with grey eyes, his hair was black and scattered across

ible but not clear enough for

k got plastered on his face, he

ked her eyes rapidly before

o act like a guy, disgusts

ngth, to not reply to th

ss, Miss,” The lecturer no

d the guy; ”You suck!” She reto

ty performed. Also, she would like to join the basketball team

rself loving it. She bounced the ball and th

g each other in applause, she f

in the team later ” The good-loo

are grey hair like milk color, his face wa

She raised

no females in the team?” He asked and walke

She l

a gleeful heart, one of her dreams is going to come true. Ever since she

me black boot on the tiled floor, fu

as she heard the soft moa

...ah....” The soft

room the noise came from,

She questioned rhetoric

y to find herself

onde girl who only had her bra o

k is the

hed the guy stood up and

are you in my room?!” He yelled

e guy back from class, the tattoo on

her hand against her chest looking at the guy

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