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Shadowed Creatures

Chapter 3 A New Realm

Word Count: 2311    |    Released on: 25/08/2021

ng through water. The current pushing me back. The air becomes thick making it di

ward finally reaching the source of the light and squeeze myself through. I fall forward and land on my hand

h I must have done when Darren first brought me there so many years ago. But I am almost positive that it

t I somehow I thought I would be in a remote spot. Instead I find myself in a small copse of trees, just beyond the tree line I can see a busy st

surprised to find that the entrance is nowhere in site. I stick my hand out trying to feel for it, pe

I found it strange that I had just left the headquarters in darkness, yet I arrive on the mortal realm in full sunshine. Was it because time ru

though about money in my rush to leave. If I ever see Dario again I will have to thank him. Just as I was about to

d scrawl was an addre




r Cr


ow I was supposed to find this address. But Dario would not

dea where else to start, I he

hudder. I look over my shoulder only to find that the copse of tree were no longer there, instead a dark alley took

e sign of where I might be. It looks touristy. People millin

n Windermere wonder emporium

f the road saying taxi rank. Luckily for me there is a single

miss?” he asks rol

ease?” I pass him over the post-it his eyes

the window back up. I pull open the rear door and

ny requests to come up to Pear Tree Cottage, not for many years.” He chatted away happily in the front seat. He wasn’t a small

asking, I reckon your not from around thes

s the world flew by outside the car window. Although vehicles were not particularly common in the headqu

ake beneath us. The view would be breath-taking, on any other occasion I would stop to admire it, but for now I was eager to see where this addre

ck in stripes and pretty flowers grew in boarders. A sign attached to the side of the building announced Pear Tree Cottage B&B. The sign was old and

fore climbing out. The taxi slowly rolled away le

my back. Quickly pushing the feeling aside I reach out and take the knocker in my hand. Banging once against the heavy wooden door before the door burst open revealing a tall woman with platinum hair falling about her face in waves down to her waist. Her eyes were the lightest shade of blue, almost verging on white. She wore jeans and a black floaty blouse, a st

weet, like a melody playing on wind. She ga

, I was just wondering if you might have

“So the room is £80 a night, and includes breakfast. Would you prefer a lake view or wo

sofas sat in a u-shape around the fire. On the ceiling above the fire was a huge iron clothes horse, one that you pull down as and when you need it. I expect it was an original feature of the house. Rather than clothes, rows and rows of drying herbs and flowers were tied to the frame drying out. A heady scent of lavender and

ny wood that was shined to a mirror finish. A huge stags head mounted above another smaller fir

ed, I jumped forgetting that

r if I could trust her. The fact Dario had given me her address, surely meant he trusted her. I decided i

m Lilith.” Smiling she handed me a key to my room. “Follow me.” She stepp

antique decor, trying hard not to accid

don’t have any other guests currently. I don’t tend to advertise as we are pretty exc


riend have a name.” By now we had reached the landing a

er hand stilled on the door. L

questions, a hint of

o feel uncomfortable under her

be downstairs if there is anything you need.” I pass her as I walk into my room. Her eyes still lingering on my f

shutting out her probing gaze. The rooms temperature went

an, and why was she so uncertain about Dario having sent me he

g. There was a floral bedspread with pretty pink rose buds covering it. A window looked out across the valley below and over the lakes, under the window sat a small desk with a vase full of roses, presu

e that stood out more that the rest. It was a young boy, the same blue eyes and platinum hair as my host. I watched mesmerised as his image changed from a young toddler and matured into a

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1 Chapter 1 The Academy 2 Chapter 2 Lies and Deceit3 Chapter 3 A New Realm4 Chapter 4 The First Witch5 Chapter 5 Memories6 Chapter 6 The Executioner7 Chapter 7 An Conversation8 Chapter 8 She Will be Mine9 Chapter 9 And so, the Training Begins10 Chapter 10 The Key11 Chapter 11 The Fire of St Leger 12 Chapter 12 A Reluctant Trainer13 Chapter 13 Dark Angel14 Chapter 14 Destiny15 Chapter 15 Lost Soulmates16 Chapter 16 My Mothers Daughter17 Chapter 17 Lord Tyrell18 Chapter 18 Together We Are One19 Chapter 19 The Underworld20 Chapter 20 Lucien St Leger21 Chapter 21 Magda the Wart Nosed Witch22 Chapter 22 Promises23 Chapter 23 Angelique24 Chapter 24 The Prince of Darkness25 Chapter 25 Damage Control26 Chapter 26 Fiery Pits of Hell27 Chapter 27 His Lust28 Chapter 28 You Are Mine29 Chapter 29 Aftermath30 Chapter 30 An Invitation31 Chapter 31 Unexplored Rooms32 Chapter 32 The Long Gallery33 Chapter 33 Mortal Enemies34 Chapter 34 The King of the Underworld35 Chapter 35 A Proposal of Marriage36 Chapter 36 Acceptance37 Chapter 37 A Bride Fit for a Prince38 Chapter 38 A Dark Wedding39 Chapter 39 A Dark Bed for a Dark Mate40 Chapter 40 Hostage41 Chapter 41 A Brother or Lover 42 Chapter 42 Broken Hearts Part 143 Chapter 43 Brothers at Arms44 Chapter 44 Return to Pear Tree Cottage45 Chapter 45 A Mothers Love has Limits46 Chapter 46 The Devil and his Witch47 Chapter 47 Blood is Thicker than Water48 Chapter 48 Hopelessly Alone49 Chapter 49 The Wards are Down50 Chapter 50 If Not Me, Then No One51 Chapter 51 A Painful Goodbye52 Chapter 52 The Witch is No More53 Chapter 53 Broken Hearts Part 254 Chapter 54 Which Way Now 55 Chapter 55 A Helping Hand56 Chapter 56 The Water Garden57 Chapter 57 Revenge for My Mother58 Chapter 58 Lover, Mother, Daughter, Wife59 Chapter 59 The Dead Cannot Heal60 Chapter 60 No Turning Back Now61 Chapter 61 The Real Oona St Leger62 Chapter 62 Resurrection63 Chapter 63 I Will Pull You Back from the Darkness64 Chapter 64 Time to Heal