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Shadowed Creatures

Chapter 5 Memories

Word Count: 2465    |    Released on: 25/08/2021

es from the light, I realise that I’m back in my bedroom. Still in my clothes from last night and a

t. So much of my life has been lived completely in the dark. Not really knowing who my parents were or where I came from. And now I

just couldn’t remember. I couldn’t remember Lucas, how could I have ever forgotten about him. My heart aches just at the thought

e of me is calling out to him wanting him near. Yes I would find him, I will find him and free him from the darknes

er. I undress quickly and turn the water of full blast, pleased to find the water steamed up instantly. With all the old pip

l of a sudden my neck started burning like crazy. It felt l

s, turning this way and that, leaving behind a blood red trail in its wake. I watch in horror as the final image came into view, a large pentagram sat in between my shoulder blades. The snakes head at the very top of the star in tongue stuck out tasting the air around it. And just above that the two cross swords that were the

off in the direction of the woods around the back of the property. Its quite here. The only noise is coming from the rustling branches of the tree

e is scorched area of grass. There was a fire here, long ago. Walking over the charred earth, the smell of smoke long since disappeared. In fact small saplings had started to appear protruding from

began to heat painfully against my skin, my vision clouding and a deafening scream rings out through my head. I can feel the mark on my back flare with heat and my head feels as if it will split into two. The feel of flames snake there way through my body and into my mind, I hold my head as the noise continues. Th

rson in front of me, instead it held a ghostly appearance. An older woman run into the clearing, chasing the younger. “I’m coming to get you!” The woman calls out. The little girl is giggling uncontrollably, it's contagiou

either being able to move or make a sound. My M

ut triumphantly and t

gles rolling around i

e earth shakes underneath my feet and windows rattle in the window frames. I look behind me in the direction on Lilith’s ho

ook up into her face, fear reflects back into my own features as she sprints indoors, slamming the front door b

alise. Heavily footfall sounds above me, and a door swings open at the top the basement stairs. My mother, carryi

of racking to one side revealing a small door behind

rther. “Baby I need you to listen to me OK, listen carefully.” I nod tears still streaming down my face.

ation in my voice. My mother kisses me on the forehead before opening the little door and guiding me in.

as quite as a mouse. Don’t come ou

y.” I sn

my cheek. “I love you baby never forget.” By now her own tears are streaming down her fa

sobs forming in her throat. There are shouts from outside. And ban

eyes dry. She makes her way back up the stairs

ing down. There are muffled noises of whoev

I hear my mothe

” She sounds strong, no ev

man, Lucien replies. “Where is the

u will never find her.” My mother replies

r for the man to come and take me away. After a while bird song could be heard in from the other side of the wall. I had no idea how long I was stood there for but they had gone. I look back to place that I was hidden, wishing I could go to my young self an

g, after a while a figure comes into view from the far side of the clearing. As he comes closer his features become more pronounced, an angry red wound sits proudly across his face, weeping blood. The cut was fresh and deep. I

in. “Mummy told me I wasn’t allowed to leave until she came for me! Let me go!” Darren, obvio

me now, or you will soon follow.” He spared no expense for my feelings, not caring that I had just lost my Mum and unbeknown to me,

und my skin starts to go buzz with energy. I feeling I had come know all too well recently. Before long my small body is consumed with by fire. Letting out an ear piercing scream, loud enough to make milk

ely disappears, a glazed look crossing my features. Darren picks me up easily with no resistance before heading back towar

e Darren took me from this place, my heart broke over the loss of my mother. Every moment of sorrow came rushing back to me, it was almost to hard to breath. I let out a heart breaking cry. Distant birds crying with me as I

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1 Chapter 1 The Academy 2 Chapter 2 Lies and Deceit3 Chapter 3 A New Realm4 Chapter 4 The First Witch5 Chapter 5 Memories6 Chapter 6 The Executioner7 Chapter 7 An Conversation8 Chapter 8 She Will be Mine9 Chapter 9 And so, the Training Begins10 Chapter 10 The Key11 Chapter 11 The Fire of St Leger 12 Chapter 12 A Reluctant Trainer13 Chapter 13 Dark Angel14 Chapter 14 Destiny15 Chapter 15 Lost Soulmates16 Chapter 16 My Mothers Daughter17 Chapter 17 Lord Tyrell18 Chapter 18 Together We Are One19 Chapter 19 The Underworld20 Chapter 20 Lucien St Leger21 Chapter 21 Magda the Wart Nosed Witch22 Chapter 22 Promises23 Chapter 23 Angelique24 Chapter 24 The Prince of Darkness25 Chapter 25 Damage Control26 Chapter 26 Fiery Pits of Hell27 Chapter 27 His Lust28 Chapter 28 You Are Mine29 Chapter 29 Aftermath30 Chapter 30 An Invitation31 Chapter 31 Unexplored Rooms32 Chapter 32 The Long Gallery33 Chapter 33 Mortal Enemies34 Chapter 34 The King of the Underworld35 Chapter 35 A Proposal of Marriage36 Chapter 36 Acceptance37 Chapter 37 A Bride Fit for a Prince38 Chapter 38 A Dark Wedding39 Chapter 39 A Dark Bed for a Dark Mate40 Chapter 40 Hostage41 Chapter 41 A Brother or Lover 42 Chapter 42 Broken Hearts Part 143 Chapter 43 Brothers at Arms44 Chapter 44 Return to Pear Tree Cottage45 Chapter 45 A Mothers Love has Limits46 Chapter 46 The Devil and his Witch47 Chapter 47 Blood is Thicker than Water48 Chapter 48 Hopelessly Alone49 Chapter 49 The Wards are Down50 Chapter 50 If Not Me, Then No One51 Chapter 51 A Painful Goodbye52 Chapter 52 The Witch is No More53 Chapter 53 Broken Hearts Part 254 Chapter 54 Which Way Now 55 Chapter 55 A Helping Hand56 Chapter 56 The Water Garden57 Chapter 57 Revenge for My Mother58 Chapter 58 Lover, Mother, Daughter, Wife59 Chapter 59 The Dead Cannot Heal60 Chapter 60 No Turning Back Now61 Chapter 61 The Real Oona St Leger62 Chapter 62 Resurrection63 Chapter 63 I Will Pull You Back from the Darkness64 Chapter 64 Time to Heal