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Shadowed Creatures

Chapter 4 The First Witch

Word Count: 3594    |    Released on: 25/08/2021

realise I have slept the whole afternoon away, it was pitch black outsid

t trying to rub th

join me in the dining room for some dinner?" Lilith

called back. I listened as Lilith retreated down the

a small bathroom with a wash basin, toilet and shower. Standing over the basin I splash some water on my fac

and face, I walk back into my room an

ntle piece and down the centre of the table. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting all different shapes over the room. The heavily a

head of the table. A smile plastered to he

for once." I sat down beside her. She gestured to help myself. I tucked in straight a

nderful, than

uests." She winked at me before tucking into her own dinner. "So tell

close to her. I decided to tell the truth

e." I reply keeping m

om my hand with a loud clatter. Lilith let's out another twinkly laugh. "You need not look so scared Ava

hy Dario would have sent you to me, the question is why Dario thought I might be of

ng to me. He just handed me a note with your address

you hiding from someone Avalon, perhaps your own kind?" she ask gently "If

n fact. I'm searching for something. For knowledge I suppose."

ell me the story that has brought you to my door. Starting

ask, cheeks reddenin

d. I can sense a lie from a mile off, no matter how good the li

can trust this woman but at this point I have no choice. Dario m

nstantaneously. My eyes open wide with surprise as she brings the light closer to my face illuminating my features. Her free hand comes up over her mouth stiffening a sob. My gaze trained on the light dancin

"Yet I can see that it is, you look just like her. I have no idea how I did

window lost in her o

quietly, surprise swirlin

ing back out into the night. "Your mother was my best friend. I'm surprised you do not remember me, you sp

efore I was brought to the Hunters Headquarters." Lilith lo

f your childhood? How is that possible?

he trauma of loosing my parents that made me block out the memories. He found me after my pa

nothing for anyone unless it benefitted him in some way, including taking in an orphaned child. I guarantee it is him who blocked your memories. You see he has

abilities before. To read someone's mind, yes, but no

t yet understand child. Darren's ability could be used as a we

nod in agreement. "How did you a

." She asks gently a far away look on her face. The more I look at Lilith the more I realise that she is older than you first realise. Cu

ir once again, lifting her wine glass

el Lucifer, the morning star, told God that creating man would not end well. He believed God should destroy his creation before it was too late. God became enraged at Lucifer's interference and cast him out of heavens gates. His an

red after heavy rainfall. The world was a different place then. A more barren landscape, no

e had been watching me for some time. He planned on taking me home. It may sound cliché, but for me at least it was love at first sight. He took my breath away. He was beautiful, like no other m

a way to transfer some of his life force to me by way of a mark cut into my skin. He drew the pentagram into the skin on my back. The pain was excruciating and lasted for many days. For most of it I blacked out my human body not b

ime was no longer an issue for me. Time was on my side af

ngry, adamant to build an army around him that none could rival. Lucifer in his quest for power began to believe that if he cou

ndo God's work. Our sons were his generals, heading battalions of vampires and demons all with one agenda, to wipe out the human race. It didn't take

What wasn't know was that all power comes as a price, and in order to remain powerful they gav

resided in the dense forests within their fairy rings or in the still waters of the lakes and ponds in the forms of water nymphs. Gnomes and leprechauns set up home in the hills and wet

as then that I decided to leave, determined that living a life alone was better than living a life filled with his darkness. Although he left me with a parting gift, I was with child once again. It was then that I met your mother. She was a descendant from on

of pregnancy, I don't even think she had worked it out herself. But

new what Oona was, he knew that his people would never except her or her child willingly, so he agreed that keeping both hers and your existence secret was the right thing. Away from the prying eyes of th

ren, her daughter and my son would be bonded for life, creating an unbreakable connection. One would be nothing without the other. Our c

The connection between boy and girl grew stronger every passing da

never be followed, the only other person knowing

He became enraged, but try as he might he could not find a way to get through my wards and protection spells. The only way through wo

stop him from crossing. His friend on the other hand was weak. He he

r knew what happened to you until today. I assume

e couldn't bring himself to finish the job. Ins

her eyes. Her eyes fixed on the wall ahead. He

y first though was that I couldn't believe that Darren had betrayed my father, that is was his disloyalty that had got both

ak, I could feel tears stinging the back of my e

f. Injected his darkness into him like a poison. I hear rumours that he is knows as the

most of all breaking for the other part of my soul which was connected to Lucas. I didn't know it until now, but I realise that all this time,

y body, its white hot heat clawing at me under my skin. I couldn't swallow dow

essed my hot skin in calming waves. "How long have you been getting these feelings?" She asked quietly. She watched me intently as I

ash your self in here. We will be burned to

our skin. Fire magic. How long have you

it was a feeling. But I have never felt it quite this strongly be

need you to breath and calm yourself." She took my hand in hers a

to the bottom of my stomach, some just a

ning to me Li

of demons, she was Royalty. The fire runs in your veins. It is your 18th Birthday soon yes?" I gave her a s

I mutter wearily, "How coul

ng tone. "Although Darren knew what you mother was, he couldn't be sure that

e." I mutter more to

ns what

ard made sense, Darren wanted me kept close because he wanted to be sure if I was more demon or more hunter

mp down onto the table. My eyes

each one by name. Mum, Dad, Lilith, Lucas, Darren, Lucifer, and the last face

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1 Chapter 1 The Academy 2 Chapter 2 Lies and Deceit3 Chapter 3 A New Realm4 Chapter 4 The First Witch5 Chapter 5 Memories6 Chapter 6 The Executioner7 Chapter 7 An Conversation8 Chapter 8 She Will be Mine9 Chapter 9 And so, the Training Begins10 Chapter 10 The Key11 Chapter 11 The Fire of St Leger 12 Chapter 12 A Reluctant Trainer13 Chapter 13 Dark Angel14 Chapter 14 Destiny15 Chapter 15 Lost Soulmates16 Chapter 16 My Mothers Daughter17 Chapter 17 Lord Tyrell18 Chapter 18 Together We Are One19 Chapter 19 The Underworld20 Chapter 20 Lucien St Leger21 Chapter 21 Magda the Wart Nosed Witch22 Chapter 22 Promises23 Chapter 23 Angelique24 Chapter 24 The Prince of Darkness25 Chapter 25 Damage Control26 Chapter 26 Fiery Pits of Hell27 Chapter 27 His Lust28 Chapter 28 You Are Mine29 Chapter 29 Aftermath30 Chapter 30 An Invitation31 Chapter 31 Unexplored Rooms32 Chapter 32 The Long Gallery33 Chapter 33 Mortal Enemies34 Chapter 34 The King of the Underworld35 Chapter 35 A Proposal of Marriage36 Chapter 36 Acceptance37 Chapter 37 A Bride Fit for a Prince38 Chapter 38 A Dark Wedding39 Chapter 39 A Dark Bed for a Dark Mate40 Chapter 40 Hostage41 Chapter 41 A Brother or Lover 42 Chapter 42 Broken Hearts Part 143 Chapter 43 Brothers at Arms44 Chapter 44 Return to Pear Tree Cottage45 Chapter 45 A Mothers Love has Limits46 Chapter 46 The Devil and his Witch47 Chapter 47 Blood is Thicker than Water48 Chapter 48 Hopelessly Alone49 Chapter 49 The Wards are Down50 Chapter 50 If Not Me, Then No One51 Chapter 51 A Painful Goodbye52 Chapter 52 The Witch is No More53 Chapter 53 Broken Hearts Part 254 Chapter 54 Which Way Now 55 Chapter 55 A Helping Hand56 Chapter 56 The Water Garden57 Chapter 57 Revenge for My Mother58 Chapter 58 Lover, Mother, Daughter, Wife59 Chapter 59 The Dead Cannot Heal60 Chapter 60 No Turning Back Now61 Chapter 61 The Real Oona St Leger62 Chapter 62 Resurrection63 Chapter 63 I Will Pull You Back from the Darkness64 Chapter 64 Time to Heal