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Sowing Seeds in Danny


Word Count: 1419    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

whose dilapidated verandas and broken fence clearly indicated that its good days had gone by. In the summer-time vi

ere bleared; but he never blamed the whiskey. He knew that his patients sometimes died while he was enjoying a protracted drunk, but of course, accidents will happen, and a doctor's accidents are soon buried and forgotten. Even in his worst moments, if he could be induced to

ople wondered why he came to such a small place, for his skill, h

tlemanly in her presence. But the time came when she saw honour and manhood slowly but surely dying in him, and on her heart

ich she refused with a queer little wavering cry and a sudden rush of tears. But she put up a good fight

work of degeneration, for the end came in

lways referred to her as "my poor Mildred," and n

in his best moments. In the winter she went with him on his drives night and day, for the fear of what might happen was always in her heart. Sh

down the street to the doctor's house, and rushed into the office without ringing the bell.

to go straight to perdition, and as the poor man, wild with excitement, begged him to come and of

conversation ca

forgetting himself and his language is shocking." Mary did not even look at

y to big John. "He'll be all right when he see

and bore him struggling a

ade an effor

er his head"-handing Big John a cushion-"

tly, for he could still hear his little b

r mother's room, she pressed her face against her mother's kimono that still hung behind the door. "I am

The child still lived, his Highland mother having stopped the blood wi

l, but the child's cry so full of pain and weakness roused him with a start. In a minute Dr.

oothed him with a hundred quaint fancies. He superintended the cleaning of the house and scolded John's wife soundly on her shiftless ways; he showed her how to bake bread and cook little dishes to

and, peeping over the doctor's shoulder, he smiled and

ut the doctor abruptly told him to quit his blubbering and hitch up,

und until it no longer needed his care, remaining perfectly sober me

locked the doors and took the keys to her room,

ne night she found him in the office of the hotel; a red-faced, senseless, gibbering old man,

ound the office. Kind-hearted fellows they were, and they felt sorry for the poor little motherle

dignant. "I'll give that old man a straight pointer," he said, "that his girl has

upon him. He had made some fatal mistakes in his prescribing, and the people had been compelled to get in another doctor, though a great many of those who had kn

tle remained now except his won

ell away from him, and in their stead came hope and good cheer. This was the old man's good gift

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