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Sowing Seeds in Danny


Word Count: 925    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

he conscientiously set about to do them good, if they would be done good to. Mrs. Francis's heart was kind, when you could get to it

lain dormant. She had always talked a great deal of the joys of motherhood, and the rapturous delights of mother-love. Not many of the mothers knew as much of the

, and she realised that she had missed the sweetest thing in life. A tiny flame of real love began to glimmer in her h

to put up with them. She was the lady of his dreams, for Pearl

th a capital, but knowing nothing of the individual. The flower of holiness in her heart was like the haughty orchi

hand softens the heat or the cold, nor tempers the wind, and yet the very winds that blow upon it and the hot sun that be

e housekeeper, the homemaker, a child with a woman's responsibili

she needed a health talk. Pearl sat like a graven image while Mrs. Fra

ma, there's a sthring down yer back no bigger'n a knittin' needle, and if ye ever broke it ye'd snuff out before ye knowed what ye was doin', and there's a tin pan in yer ear that if ye got a dinge in it,

ther t

were so many places inside a person to go wrong, did ye, ma? I

e cut out the other leg of Jimmy's pants. "The Lord made

and there's diseases in the milk as big as a chew o' gum and us not seein' them. Every drop of it we use should be scalded well, and oh, ma, I wonder anyone of us is alive for we're not half clean! The poison pours out of th

rmed at these hygienic problems. "Camilla is

n eyes were

umanity in the air-Oh, I wish she hadn't a told me, I never thought atin' hurt anyone, but she says lots of things that tast

silence for

a, me eyes are shuttin'. I'll go back to-

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