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Swiss Family Robinson

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 5419    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

which I was anxious to preserve entire; and afterwards, when Fritz had prepared everything in readine

d her to reprove them, on their return, for starting away without leave; but, as it appeared they had taken Turk, I satisfied myself that no harm was likely to befall the

onishment, Jack and Ernest burst out of a hiding-place where they had lain in wait for us, and were ench

ully believed they might n

ir thoughtless frolic, more especially as I particularly wished to send back a message to my wife. I told them they must hu

to bear with our absence for a night. This I had meant to say when we parted, but my courage had fa

n going, and finishing it without a second trip, I determined to remain on board for the nigh

We're off,' shouted Fritz, as I joined

ling up her shattered sides, stood on what remained of the deck, and began at once to lay our plans. I wanted

ng twelve of them side by side in rows of three, we firmly secured them together by means of spars, and then proceeded to lay a good sub

re thoroughly fatigued by our labours, and had eaten only the light refreshm

er from the ship's provisions, and then rested for the night on spring

n's room, we removed the furniture, as well as the doors and window-frames, with their bolts, bars and locks. We next took the officers' chests, and

s, snuff-boxes, buckles, studs, chains, rings and all manner of trinkets; these, and a box of money, drew our attention for a time; but more useful to us a

we read on the tickets attached to them the names, so pleasant to European ears, o

ools, lead, paint, grind-stones, cart wheels, and all that was necessary for the work of a smith's forge, spades and plough-shares, sacks of maize, peas, oats,

o what to remove to the raft. It would be impossible to take everything; yet the first

s, however, including of course the grain and

harpoons in readiness; and amused me by seeming to picture himself a whaler, flourishing his harpoon in most approved fashion. Early in the afternoon, both our craft we

tly, Fritz asked me for the telescope, as he had observed something curious floating at a distance. Then handing it back, he begg

ad's back was turned to me, and the broad sail was between us, so that I could not perceive his actions; when, all of a sudden, I experienced a shock, and the thril

ut?' cried I. `You are s

my amazement, I perceived that he really had struck the tortoise with a har

hastened forward, in order to cut the line

ust yet! I promise to cut the line myself the instant it

ds into the sea, even if he does not drown us too. For heaven's sake, be caref

s course landward, drawing us rapidly after it. The part of the shore for which the turtle was making was considerably to the left of our usual lan

peed, a couple of heavily laden vessels. Its intention was to escape to land; but I leaped into the water, and wading up to it, dispatched it

tting the turtle on shore, the whole family appeared in the distance hastening eagerly towards us; and our new prize, together with the well-laden boat and raft, excited the liveliest interest; my wife

oor the boats by means of some of the heavy blocks of iron we had brought. It required our united strength to get the turtle hoisted on

flesh to cook for supper. To my wife this appeared necessarily a work of time, as well as of difficulty; but I turned the beast on its back, and soon detached a

said my wife, with a little shudder. `See how it sticks

best part, and the delight of the epicures. If there be really too much, cut

ake a water-trough of that, to stand near the brook, and b

y manage it easily, if we can find clay so as t

, `I have a grand lump of c

lad! When did

aid his mother, `and came home in such a mess, I had re

never in all my days have found the clay,

hear your talk this morning, one would have thought your d

roots I found today; they are getting rather dry now. They look something like radishes, although the plant itself

t many things injurious to men. Let me se

grubbing under a small bush, and eating something ravenously; so I drove he

s I expect, the manioc root, we might lose every other eatable we possess, and yet not starve. In the West Indies, cakes called cassava bread are made from it; and, already having potatoes, we shal

fficient quantity, we w

ow how to se

leaving Franz with his mother; and we all looked forward with satisfaction to the prospect of the

he shell very valuable? Surely beautiful combs, boxes, and a number of ornamental thing

ose shell is prized so much is unfit for food. Tortoiseshell is subjected to the action of heat, the outer laye

our cart-wheels and the hand-mill were placed on it, with all manner

are come home to rest,' said she, `and you little think what refreshment awaits you here in the shade. Come and see my

today, while you were all absent; and fancying it was wine of some sort, I got it up here on purp

y life I had never enjoyed a more delicious draught of canary sack. My wife was immensely pleased to find that her exer

I let them come in turns, but was speedily obliged to call a halt; for the rogues got so eager and excite

ily enjoyed, and gave us strength to haul the mattresses we had brought from the

n the open shore. The dogs were delighted when I descended the ladder, and bounded to meet me; the cocks crowed and flapped their wings; two pretty kids ga

sledge; the cow, as she had not been milked, enjoyed the privilege o

ng in haste to return, the load I collected from their freight was but a light one, and the d

hough it was broad day; and great was my good wife's surprise, when, roused by th

ed. `It must be the fault of those mattresses, they are delightful

t came tumbling down from the tree, rubbing their ey

will never do! Your beds were t

ntal resolve that the captain's fine canary should be dealt with very sparingly in future. `So now for prayers and break

Fritz as soon as they were afloat; the rest turned homewards, but Jack lingere

make another trip to the wreck. It took up more time than I expected, so that, when on board, we could only make a further examinat

emendous rattling and clattering heralded his approach with a wheelbarrow, in the highest spi

ate parts of a pinnace, with rigging and fittings complete, even to a couple of small brass guns. This was a great discovery, and I hastened to see if the

r new acquisitions, namely, a copper boiler, iron plates, tobacco-graters, two grindstones, a small barrel o

and apparently gazing fixedly at us. They seemed to wear dark coats and white waistcoats, and stood quite still with th

y inhabitants of the country to

ans! I once read in a book about them, so there must be

have not before seen them in such numbers, but Ernest knocked one down, if you remember, soon aft

from his tub, and wading ashore, took the unsuspecting birds by surprise, and with his stick laid half a doze

ng to examine them when we landed, some of the fallen arose from their swoon, and began solemnly to waddle away, upon which

, the live penguins seated gravely were trundled

trations of delight, that poor little Jack, who, as it was, could scarcely manage his barrow, was fairly upset, penguins and all. T

s, caused great merriment: the tobacco-grater

, and bid them fasten a penguin to each by the leg,

manioc root. I admired her industry, and little Franz said, `Ah, father! I wonder what you w

let out my secret! I was to have the pleasure of su

I. `Never mind! I am charmed to hear about it. O

I have gone for potatoes, I have sown seeds in the ground wh

n!' I exclaimed, `Why, you are a

rs you have brought. Is it possible you are going to make snuff? Do, pray, let

s habit of snuffing into your family! Please to treat my graters with respect, however, because they

tobacco-graters? I cannot imagine what you mean, and to t

flat cakes or scones, which will be excellent bread; I mean to try at once what I can d

my powers as a baker, and I saw her set on a good potful of potatoes before be

beginning to rub a root as hard as I could against the rough surface of my grater. My example was instantly followed by the whole party, amid bursts of merriment, as each remarked the funny attitude and odd gestures

nioc. One sort grows quickly, and its roots ripen in a very short time. Another kind is of somewhat slower growth. The roots of the third kind do not come to maturity for two years. The two first ar

pressing them, fath

dry pith is wholesome and nourishing. Still, I do not mean to taste

was filled with it, and tying it tightly up, I attempted to squeeze it, but

laced the sack, above the sack another plank, and over that the long beam; one end was passed under a root near the sack, the other projected far forward. And to that we attached a

we were getting on. `Or must all this great bagful be used at once? In

barrels will keep fresh a long time. We shall use

ight begin now, fa

eem the least moi

or an experiment; we must see how it agrees with Master Knip

be pressed. While an iron plate placed over a good fire was getting hot, I mixed the meal with water and a little salt, kneaded it well, and f

resting experiment, and they silently watched them gobbling up the bits of cake I gave them, until Fritz turned to me, saying

d aconite. Others produce stupefaction and paralysis, as opium, hemlock, and prussic acid; while

possible of the noxious substance, combined with oils and mucilaginous drinks to soothe and protect the stomach in the case of irritants; stimulants, such as spirits, ammonia, or strong co

here is supper ready and we need not be

stionable food, and assembled to enjoy our evening meal of roast penguin. The potatoes were as us

d the hens; and lively pleasure was in every countenance when Jack, who ran first t

boys busily preparing his own, and watching the baking most eagerly. Mistakes occurred, of course, some of the bread was burnt, some not done enough

hat the captive penguins were quite at ease among them and as tame as the geese and d

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