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The Bad  Boys house pt 2  #5 My Bad Boy Brother

The Bad Boys house pt 2 #5 My Bad Boy Brother


Chapter 1 1 year later

Word Count: 2635    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

ewhere and he would show up when we least expected it. We’d moved away so he wouldn’t be able to find us. Ariel and Spider had gotten closer in the last year and I was struggling with this w

d Ariel to him cause I thought he’d choose him over me. Boy was I wrong I never once expected her to choose my cousin Jace over me. They must’ve got really close in the time that they had spent together. He had this passion about him most girls feel at his feet because of his devilish looks, or the fact he wound the fight

over at Ariel and Spider her on his

nown if why I was zoning out.

ave and I a

go bro. She mad

f it’s the

Rush she’ll hate you for it. And Spider well you


ourself a girl. She’s happy,let her

re right. Let’s go




on Cole’s w

st men on to it. If he is ghost

Even if he ran would he ha

n’t k

out she was acting strangely these days. She hadn’t had a drink for a while which was

was doing well and so was Hunter. He’d finally forget his fantasy with Ariel. I ju

nd she was complaining that they hadn’t seen him for almost five years and they wanted him to come home. He had to make them believe he could

r to bar until we hit the most exquisite club around. Only those in the list got in but we knew the bounce

end to.’ W

e dim lit club going to the

nto the dance floor and danced, grabbing some


d we left the club

were already just in case we were attacked though we never had it was still a

gh as Jae.’

e is


d nodded. ‘So goo

you should

ite happy here weren’t we

you coul

u alone I don

urity everyw

be with you right now than getting drunk w

between them they were bein

all her glory and her bed hair


notice the scowl on

ave work so I’ll s


lking out guess she di

e are my friends and bro you already know Rushton my bro that is

d politely. ‘W


ryl. Would you like to


l stood up abruptly and walked away cuttin

She went to the other he leaned towards Ariel. ‘He only did it to f

ed and w

d Shia goodbye to all of us. I had to find out what was wrong with Ariel. It was

who was on htenbslc0my if their bedroom

try.’ She said co

r. ‘Talk to me Ar

’ She sai

re is wh

so just

ving second

you ask suc

Ariel. So no more bullshit and p


n wh

n and I don’t want

own ass m


u know how much it hurt m

do you this may be

riel nothing, you d

I was

I’m trying my hardest to forge


ogether no one will hurt

Cole Rushton? No on

ad a

n’t. We’re somewhere

both you and Jae and he fi

in front of her. ‘

ou always will be. And I’d be damned if I let anything happen to you spider won’t let it happen I promise,’ I said hugging her she just cried in my shoulder I had to prove to


iel, keep laughing, smiling jsut b


ant you to be happy and if,that’s with Jace that’s fine.’ I look

t her. ;how dare you k


ed up.

he fuc

she was u

shton before I best

ed and

iel who was still sobbin

e wanted to know why I w

hy wer

r, what if they kne

iel we’ll him and end this once


Are you regretting

ld you even

u Ariel he st

issed me not the oth

him. And now the situation has changed I need you to

t h

ear and he’s still moping about and I know for a fact he did this to forget you he can’t hide

ou and I won’t ever let him o

ve yo

lips on hers kissing

respected her dearly he wasn’t worth her love. He upped his game and took us all on board. They are planning to get hitched next fall. My two Dads are in a civil relationship seen as they are both men and can’t get married to one another they truly look weird together two butch guys who met in prison and shared their past lives togehter and fought each other they have the up most respect for one another, I’m just sick and tired of being bullied for who I am and who my family is I wish spider was still around hed fuck then over he was the brainy fucker I’d th

e Lacy j

ance. I’m taking

d as she helped

someone Zeke or it

e this will never sto

keep bullying you. You need to take actio

what Lace

ight club and once I was strong enough I was going

k together but not today. They’d bunked off and left me to deal with those ass h

nother girl fu

hear the slapping of balls on an as

each other oh my god

’m not listening to this. I clos

y door creaked. I looked up and my brother looked

re going to tell me Nate? When were you going t

appened what the f

bro what always hapepens whe

beck Zeke I won’t

rry about me I’m going to the club an

know what to do Zeke


a pr

d dad you’d watch my back and cause yo

appen again

with the both of you and that’s not

we’ll make these g

He closed the door after he left I need

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