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The Bad Boys house pt 2 #5 My Bad Boy Brother

Chapter 2 He’s back

Word Count: 959    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

ok a shot at spider.but it was meant for her to stun her spider had pushed her out of the way of the bullet and it had taken him instead. Ethan’s went straight

re making my way over to Ariel and spider screaming for to leave her the fuck alone. The fuck was I. She was mine and I wasn’t having him or that prick Rushton take her away from me. I’ve waited too long for this day to come again. She'd slipped me several times, not this time

t got worse. Then as I got closer the sirens echoed fuck I wasn’t going to wait around for. The co

ond almost took me out I had to leave her there were sirens everywhere and my wounds were really bad, blood al

ling dizzy. I collapsed on the soft p

ant so I gathered o wasn’t at any hospital then the door op

here?’ I asked

ng. You were passed

one said handing

taking it off her


h many questions but only asked one

lse would you d

nk of bett

oth sm

Sheryl. We are nurses at

m C



ital Cole. We used your thumb p

d do with these

they’d help me to find her. Now I’m back on my feet I took no time in getting them to ha

d morning Cole how a

w are you and w

ith you I can either tell you

ed I’m

d the room. ‘So what’s

und he

s they peaked my inter

t in a club and they seem to know the bouncer very well. They

eyes did y


her was cal

rate on getting Spider out of the way and take him down and get Ariel out of there and back with me. ‘Well done girls.

you like us

with them and make them thi

and Ethan and that's saying something as I had found it hard to trust anyone since them. After Jae had disloyal me and my own brother turned against me all I had was

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