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Chapter 2 The Party

Word Count: 3788    |    Released on: 30/09/2021

eing stuck in my brother's body, so where he goes I follow 'for now' I thought. I wore a blue velvet short gown that rose above the knee a light shade of pink

around her sixth sense is on another level. As I quickly board a cab to the location I was given the driver ogle my body as his mouth water and I smile at him beaming an innocent smile making my

ring at me as l hugged and kissed Katy on the cheek and hug Mike it was Ethan turn but he was pull back by Katy who kissed him on the lips. Jasper star

t before the crowd and press took a couple of pictures of us. Sometimes I hated the press " their intruding finding little facts and turning the whole story to their gain" this time wasn't one of them. He took me to one of the suite. What do you think your doing kissing jasper like that he yelled and what do you think you are doing kissing Katy like that I yelled his words back to him. You are jealous you were obviously playing with him to get me jealous. Let me show you how a real kiss feels like and before I could stop him his hands grapes the back of my neck and pulled me close and he was kissing me hard his intent to possess and claim me as his own branding me. The kiss was everything I thought it would be using his experience. I moan into his mouth as he cupped my ass pulling me closer to his erection I nibbled at his lips and he groan as he cupped my breast. What was I doing I wanted him sure but not like this, not with this wanting need of a girl who has never been kissed as I step back he closed in the space pinning me to the wall as he lifted my a

was pressed against his. Intimately. Chest to chest and hips to hips. She could feel every hard inch of his chest and legs. She c


ody had been struck by a lightning bolt of awareness. She opened her mo

spite the cold, her

force of it seemed to be radiating under her fingertips, making her tremble with unfamiliar sensatio

ht up in something she didn't ’t understand

imple contact of her lips on his make him so wea

ch of that anger is directed to me and to yourself in case you have forgotten who you almost gave yourself too tonight it's Ethan Mortuspan and not that clown jasp

looking at him but he didn't care as Katy kiss him he felt sick realizing he

e room I saw Patrick saying something from afar but I just couldn't make it out as l entered the class and the English lecturer start off with stress and it's patterns.Then moved into the kinds of stress we have and then some one made a joke of how a man took a c

et my number? Am Ethan and I got your number from Kat

meet up, text me when and where. What makes you thi

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lp me when am done with college or when it falls during the weekend or a holiday, deep down I just think that they may be disappointed in m

I have to tolerate h

while covering me with his jacket as men and passers by looked at me the way he was looking at me like a tasty piece of meat all for himself wait hold that thought I would not be classified as 'piece of meat' scratch that as I searched my brain for a more convenient word he kissed me again not that am complaining I liked it when he kissed me and like I said I always get what I want, at the seat l ate every piece of meat I took and he looks at me as if finding pleasure with what am doing. The screen above us and splay the video of me savi

thing I needed was a frighten boy and a stunned Ethan looking like he'd seen a ghost. I sighed and look up starin

d me a coffee then he sat on the bed and started out slowly. My dad like

and thickness I trailed my hands down his chest and had him groan as he pressed himself towards where I needed him most. My phone rang snapping me back to reality as he let go of me, I saw the time it was nearly seven "dutiful Jeaner wo

went bent one knee and drew it up so that her legs were parted only a shadow concealing her, her generous breast strained against the tight bodice, she was exquisite and sensuous, her lips slight part and begge

her high heels she had the door bang as soon as she fell in,

floor get into that bathroom

n since my aunt caught me and made me promise her I won't neither have I masturba

s really mad a

it became easy to tell her off. My father thinks me an

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es. Don't text me, don't call me, hell don't even look at me. Katy broken down in sobs as Mike patted her back he ha

turn his feelings and she had been head over heels in love with Ethan and the bastard had hurt her. He felt the urge to hit Ethan when next he saw him and Ethan had been right he needed to get laid. But never in his wildest dreams could he had imagine katy. His Katy moaning in his mouth her head tilled backwards her breast round and full as he sucked on it he had her say it then jasper fuck me like you do in my dreams. Fuck me with your tongue, her words make him quiver with want and he became harder than he was which was impossible because any more and he would lose it, it was taking all his civilized training not to take her like an animal's but she was making it impossible. Katy reached between them and touched his erection he was sweating, his heart beating louder and he moan almost in pain he tore her clothes as she freed him of his confine clothes he was all male and hard and beautiful. Jasper your so beautiful even when she knew he hated being called that, she stroke him and he moan grinding into her hands as she sucked him. Never had she had such a boldness with Ethan but with jasper it was lust piled up from years of wanting and now they have explode as she suck him wanting him he close his eyes and his head fall back at the feeling as she cupped his balls make him groan and opened his eyes. Seeing her with his sex as she sucked him made him so happy he could die with no regrets part of him thanked Ethan for the break up as much as she wanted him the tension was still there just a kiss or two when she felt like giving him but now right now she was wild and free and not as innocent as he'd thought. He groan closer to the edge as he t

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