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Chapter 5 Escaped

Word Count: 4298    |    Released on: 09/10/2021

suddenly arched her back, h

mouth sucking greedily on her nipple to make it stronger for her. With his other

er, and her knees fell wide open in utter abandon, she rocked her

d draped behind her, lying docile and open

ngertips against the wet curls at her sex. . . He

k. To his disbelief, she whispered how much she

t incredible experi

er words, she gave his neck little licks that m

g in his pants did not s

but she'd looped her soft arms around his

h me?" She tugged gently, until he allowed hi

bared sex against him. Impossible. He was burning to free himself and sink into her sl

of her hips again, he tentatively thrust

t you?" he

ng between them to rip open the fastening of his trousers. He shoved his

alf-lidded as she stared at his erection, at the slick head. As if in a dream, he watched as she rolled her hips again, se

with her like this. He was awash in how right it felt. Yet, unable to stop himself, he pressed hi

olled back

hip to pin her down, then he pressed his erection harder against her mound. He stayed there, letting it throb against her. Whe

before her last finger had wrapped around his erection. "Put your arms over your head," She let

groan rising from his chest. With his position and the movement, he was close to being inside her, as close as he would ever allow himself to g

onizing pressure. Anothe

feel his sack tightening until it ground against her wetne

. He was going to come, and

taste you again. " When she rushed to do so, he sucked her nipple

to come again? He'd make her. He'

ain when she cried out his name and

. . come," he groaned, beginning to ejaculate. He gave a brutal yell each time the h

e sank onto his elbows with hoarse exhal

over her like that. He closed his eyes

he wiped her skin and pulled her gown into place. He tossed the towel away and sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. Never had he felt so ashamed

you,” he sa

home soon,” s

love yo

s, the water quickly chilled around her, and she

nd splattered the concrete as

ll us if we get her floo

the door. “Wait here and

in order to keep warm as he dashed naked up the stairs. Seconds

and get some clothes on or mum will scol


pation curled in her stomach when she glanced at the

in the house but I've got a business meeting

hair and make-up, he is a potential investor and you are


he stiffen, he was grinding at h

ness tycoon Daniel Morrison who was the first and only man to posses her body. She broke up with him becau

id you break up with me ? Um s.ss.sir this is an o

e to herself " I would be working under him and who knows what he 'll do me " as if reading her thought he smiled and said yea to whatever it is that your thinking. Daniel doesn't take no for an

stion for a qu

ed more truthfully than he had expected "he should be angry, he had planned to shut her off in the middle of her presentation and asking her to re-do it as much as he pleased he could still do it but damn her, she was so beautiful and he had other pressing matters, he wouldn't have been so dumb not to do his own research on

y ques

married or date any

ill been living with only her nephew with no one else, she had kept herself for me after he had taken her virginity two months before their argument he had wanted to marry her, he still did." Come to my house tonight for your presentation. And before she could say no. You have only one chance. I don't give second chances." That he was well known for." But he had begged he

me. The chairman was indebt and needed to sell the company. Though she didn't want Daniel to buy the company, she knew that he would do great as th

e early. Maybe she wasn't the only one intent on seduction. she regretted wearing this gown, the moment she turn to leave, he opened the door, his eyes raked down her body as if he impress with

lease, which includes how I dress. So let me know when your ready to hear my presentation. Your presen

d have been there for you instead of leaving like a crowd am sorry. Please just give me a second chance. No Daniel, I don't think I can, you hurt me too much, " she was the one who had ended the relationship but he wasn't going to point out that now" ceasing the opportunity he kissed her gathering her in his

slipped down so that his fingers could stroke over the back of her neck, make her shiver. "What have we got here?" "Wait." She

r it. He wanted to pull her down into his lap, move his lips from hers to her thro

entation and if l won't have it then I best be going. He only lifted his brows. "Do you have a problem with me wanting to make love

." "A thing?" "I haven't figured out the definition yet. But I'm working on it. Or maybe I should call it a condition. You'd relate to that." His fingers trailed down to trace her jaw. "Maybe you'd help me explore it, study it." His eyes met hers, curiosity gleamed in them. "You're nervous," he realized with a jolt of surprise and pleasure. "I woul

does, and o

find out." She wasn't finished yet, not nearly, but he had already wrestled the controls out of her hands.

gues and a scrape of teeth and echoing groans of need. Her breath caught when he swept her up. For a moment, she felt utterly helpless, overpowered, conquered. Panicked excitement prickled along her skin. Then he was laying her on the thick duvet, and his eyes were on hers as he peeled away the gown. The quick shudder surprised her. She'd prepared herself for him, she'd known the evening would end in just this way. But she hadn't known, couldn't have known, that a long, searing look from those intense blue eyes could sever the knots of her control so quickly. With a sound of greed, she reared up, arms and legs snaking around him, mouth fusing with his. She was as erotic as any temptress, as dangerous as

fiercely, felt her clamp around him like a hot fist. Triumph, heady and sweet, streaked through him when she cried out. Then those long, limber legs wrapped around him. Her hands fisted on the bedcover as the first violent orgasm ripped through her. The pressure inside her tore free, then built again, forcing her to sob in air. Mindlessly she scraped her nails down his back, arched against him, and met the next crest head-on.

for the next year or so. She looked… smug, Daniel thought as he managed to lift his head to study her face. As his mind cleared, he'd worried that he'd hurt her. He knew his hands were big and rough, and though he doubted he'd be considered a gentle lover, he'd never been quite so unrestrained. He was afraid he'd come perilously close to brutal. But judging by that contented expression on her face, it didn't appear apologies were in order. He was grateful. He hated apologizing. Then her eyes flutt

bit." She couldn't stop herself from lifting a hand, running it through the tousled length of his hair. "I guess we could use another log on the fire." "I'll get it." He leaned down, intending to kiss her lightly,

he wanted go reply more than well actually" but, she just nodded. So have you eaten, should I make breakfas

and we could talk over it while we eat cookie sound perfect, sure aunt. So who is the lucky lady." Biting her cookie and then sipping her tea". It's Hayley. Hayley Mortuspan. She spat at his face, or my God Eric am so sorry I didn't

lly get invited to the Mortuspan house. And when a girl gets invited to

s mouth and we heard the door open Hayley was stand there with a grin on her face. Wonder what would have happened if mum had found you both I wager it would not have been pleasant for you Ethan. Halley said as she left us. We dinned together as we discussed the pressing matter on how the VESTISH MIRROR would be showcased on the fortnight. C

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