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The Prostitute and The Painter

Chapter 3 Not Olivia

Word Count: 434    |    Released on: 08/10/2021

ou are talking about Ol

's her, I haven't q

t talking about trash O

oes tha

sh Olivia. She probably comes with all sorts of di

mation that he had received. He looked over at Ben as he got up, "I bet

could have sta

next time,"

ds the door. He hugged him and went down the

and got into the train and headed back home. It was a thirty-minute train ride. Which he liked as it gave him time to think. He got home in Que

irl who had moved his heart. Yet Ben's warning came playing in his head too. H

escape, yet he wasn't inspired and now it became mor

nd drove with the window open and the wind blew

Olivia and Khloe were sta

arly today, don'

ook "I will try just for you

omes a

nd it rolled down, "want

Olivia got in his car, and she had never seen him befor

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