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The Prostitute and The Painter

The Prostitute and The Painter


Chapter 1 Olivia meets Lucas

Word Count: 473    |    Released on: 08/10/2021

Olivia! I

oceries, She woke up and showered. Her hair color was usually white because of the wig she wore but her natural color hair was jet black which usually went well with her

was now and she h

ding on what time she would get back but she was usually back by two in the morning latest. She didn't like going out for much long

es she realized it was hard. She had no parents to look out for her as they had died that very year when she became a prostitute. She hadn'

plagued her, she couldn't afford to slip int

Khloe's room

the dash

s at her. "You are coming aw

he money, so please let

but you look

door closes instantly. She puts on her shoes and ear

he doesn't respond and

alked down the streets to get some inspiration and fresh air, but also today he was walking to go see his fri

e just walks away without

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