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The Prostitute and The Painter

Chapter 5 Temptation

Word Count: 378    |    Released on: 09/10/2021

He had a lot to say. "I want to travel Olivia an

used "what d

ost is you by my side." as



y?" she

ow yet, but

st of the talking and sharing. It was hard to capture her attention. H

nsidered it but quickly covered it up. That gave Lucas a lot of hope that maybe

n he asked if she wanted to do anything else in life, she had responded in a

by that she didn't answer him, and

w her, he had a change of heart. Lucas had a deep longing to take care of h

ething, and she refused. Her reason

ok at her mouth and she would bite h

vealing clothes. He wondered why she tried to tempt him so hard.Lucas shuddered at the thought of loving

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