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Mad Bunny

Chapter 2 Picture Day

Word Count: 1558    |    Released on: 14/10/2021

rush my teeth then ran downstairs to eat breakfast. Mother then hands me my bag drops strawberries on top of my otmeal and say, "Good morning sweet heart! Are you almost

t this." Sitting my backpack down on the whole leaning in to give my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Alright let's go kiddo." My father said. My mother quickly placed the last pin in my hair and urged me to head out with my father. Grabbing my bag as I headed out the door my father was holding open for me. He unlocked the car got in and said "I like the way your mother pinned up your hair it looks lovely." Then handing me money saying "this is for lunch okay and bring home some of those pictures from school today. Your mom and me would love to hang it on the fridge." I wanted to tell him that I was fine without lunch and that ther

t's this scrawny looking kid in the back." and pushes him out of line. Benz "What, trying to save money on the water bill or something. You'd think on a day like this your parents would actually give you a bath." Everyone in line starts laughing. As I looked at the kid that was standing there in the center of the hall way waiting outside our teachers door I realized that I knew him! He lives across the street from me. I've seen his house on the outside

Ms. Hathers ask him to sit closer to the rest of us instead of way in the back by himself everybody's head turned whispering and gossiping to eachother till one raised their hand and said "Ms. Hathers I don't wanna get his lice." Another said, "Yeah, or his bed bugs." Other kids starting shouting some talking about his smell and how dirty he looked! "he could be covered in bug


ome where life would end up most likely end up being no different then my home life or worse. So, I forcibly looked up and nodded my head while also forcing a smile. "Yeah, everything's good." "Are you sure?" She asked me. "Yeah why wouldn't it be." I said. "Well I'm going to cal


turn. I walked up and placed one of my feet on the metal rims at the bottom of it, because it was to high and I was to short. I sat down looking into the camera and the lady taking the photos told me to say cheese. I smiled my biggest and brightest smile not even shying to the fact that my front bunny tooth was missing then got blinded by the spots I was seeing after the flash. I hop down look around and after my vision has cleared up and noticed Curtis was standing by himself. I walked up to where he was at and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Bunny." He looked at me kinda funny, like he was trying to decipher whether or if he could trust me. "Hey." He said in a kind of low agitated tone. I f

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