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Mad Bunny

Chapter 5 Play Date

Word Count: 1056    |    Released on: 14/10/2021


o another job by the time I'm already in bed. "Mommy!" I ran up and gave her a hug. "How was school today darling?" She smiled. "I honestly don't know how to put it. I mean it wasn't the best day ever but I made a new friend!" I said point over a


et's go offer him a ride home." Besides letting him walk knowing how far we lived wouldn't be right. After all we are all going to the same place. I pull up next to him in the car, slowing down to his walking. There are not very many cars behind m


y eats weird but it was better then anything I was gonna get at home. S

nder where his parents were or if they even cared about him. He looked so pale and thin I just couldn't e


that's when I realized "Ohhh yeah, sorry this stuff must be so boring to you." He's a boy of course he'd be uninterested in all this stuff. "Wanna go outside in the back yard? There's a slid my dad built me and a set of swings." He nodded his head yes. "Okay, well first one there gets first choice!" "First choice?"Curtis asked. "Yeah, of a movie you want to watch." We both looked at eachother before bolting back down the stairs and out the back door. We raced to the top of the slides and raced down and up them again. We made a contest who could swing the highest and who could jump the farthest. Mom called us in

y mother continues, "Would you like to dress hen up and stay the night?" My father looks at my mom like he's ready to say something but my mom is staring at him like he better not. Curtis cleared his throat catching on to the tension saying "It's actually already really late and I hadn't even checked in with my parents yet I should really actually get going. Thank you though, for tdinner I mean." My says ohh it's fine I can actually go let them know myself just enjoy yours

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