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Mad Bunny

Chapter 7 About Curt

Word Count: 927    |    Released on: 12/11/2021

ot even a toothbrush." Stella explains in frustration. "Okay." He sighed "So, here." He says giving his wife some of the money that was meant to pay for the electricity and water bill. "No its fine,

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lking back inside the house I see the movie is just about to end. So, I enter the kitchen and start tidying up. I laugh to myself as I see my daughter having so much fun with her new friend. Shaking my head left and right while wiping down the counters. After sweeping up the floor I let them know it's time to wash up and to get ready for bed. "Bunny!" "Yes mom." "You first." I say. "I wanna talk with Curtis." "Okay!" She says running up the stairs. "And don't forget to brush your teeth! Don't think I didn't notice the sodas, young lady!" Looking back at Curtis I grabbed the bag that I had sitting on top of the counter. "I wasn't sure what you'd like but I got you something's I thought you might need. I would have normally washed them before giving them to you to put on, but by the time you get out

sweat pants. I knock on Bunny's door and it flings open. "Curtis!" She flings her arms around him giving him a big hug. "Goodnight." She says! "Goodnight Bunny." "I'll show you to your room okay hun. We have an extra room for when Bunny's grandmama comes over to visit. You can sleep in there." I show him to his room and say "Goodnight" as I walkout closing the door behind me. I go to the bathroom to grab those clothes he's been wearing. Staying up and extra hour making sure they were washed. So, he could wear them in the morning. I g

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