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SUBMISSIVE TO HIM - He's my boss

Chapter 3 Escape plan gone wrong

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

o, she didn't what Lisa wo

one, when she opened the message

s room. When she opened

g a top on, she was

uld be

one?" His cold voice p

to her, and the reason wa

... Am


a drag from the cigarette, it

r to take another drag w

attractive leg of yours into my room, without knockin

"She stuttered as

alking and tu

rama happening liv

s definitely wrong with the master and Ella - it wasn'

d?" He asked,

her voice made him know

he get the package? What hap

aster' can also be afraid. Wher

rted. Some other men took the package from

e.... Put her on the line" He picked his Bluetooth

had been with him, she ha

lked to a table in the room, and type

"Come back home! I repeat, come bac

! Take the next flight.

ear them, she could c

they spoke in m

oved the Bluetooth from

your problem, okay" Lisa didn't

in euro or in dol

" Ella quick

wer, opened it, and

the gun, it was a short one.

she noticed she just called his name without any f

We are going to hunt" His

you know the people that took the money from h

oor, but the he stopped and turned to his s

rows sq


sir, she just arrived. And besides, she knows nothing about it" Ella said

u'elle meure là-bas ! (Let me worry about that. I just paid her a huge amount of money, I don't fuck

elle n'aurait pas accepté ces bêtises ! (I can't believe what you are doing. I just wi

ng she receiv

rstand what they were talking about, s

u ouvriras la bouche, ce jour serait le jour de ta mort, compris! (Don't think because I ... I made a mistake with you, you can talk to me the way you want. A

replied and n

to leave when

lking to the caller, he hung up an

anger calming down, as his v

tly, she walked

ut of his den' She though

oom became tensed, as no

wind could be hear

e stood up and wa

n she felt someone present in front of her, w

" She heard

hands on her and apologizing, she didn't have

that girl into the field without training would be dangerous, she might get

be to waste. We can't just trust her like

what to do, now go and do what you have to do....Just as you predicted, Amelia told me not to

ords, and after nodding her he


ouse, not knowing how to esca

ssed her, they wer

topped walking a

ething?" one of

d not to worry about who she was, because only peop

en outside the gate to be alert, something is wrong. And that was wh

her story, then she w

to those men, he would had used the intercom" The man raise


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