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SUBMISSIVE TO HIM - He's my boss

Chapter 4 Being shot

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

e in the garden, and present with them there were four other

dmitted?" He asked, with aut

o leave was because of her mother. She wanted to

nowing her boss would use it to h

to be reluctant, that say it would s

meras watching everything you do in this house, so don

not right to watch other people's nakednes

except Oliver - who

" He or


man, or should she refer him

p mouth Lisa?

s icy voice, along with his angry face, w


sounded, Lisa had no oth

, she slowly

y I have eyes on her over there, and she's not at the city's hospital. Upgrade your lying skills, it's gonna be needed" He stood up and was about

he words to herself, she had to challenge him. Knowing what she said came with a consequences, she was waiting for his reacti

act, but he stopped them by

ther and nothing woul

he men there, he cocked the

eams when watching horror film

n't explain, it was new. She had

ing out from her l

d to the men, and without feeling remo

sing lots of blood that she ev




use. After a long flight

s they saw her. She was too weak to r

ag, when they were lots of peop

structed the girl w

r bag to her room, she

she opened the do

which she had missed

as she wal

nto a frown when she notic

ngry that he wasn't

ursed and walked

ment where the others stays

. They were good when it comes to going o

He winked

o good at flirting. Nothing serious was goin

ng from the very b

est flirts every time, Oliver pr

learn some things. Things like, flirting,

directly asked him, wi

something urgent" Hunte

idn't go w

too determined." Hunter sa

I will go ge

r mission?"

in, but it faded

with tears threatening

lia had never went on an unsuccessful mis

arnt his skills, how to be cunning, and all, from h

him, so she held herself. Her aura was

away, even before


found herself in a room.

ldn't. Her leg was hurting so

wn to her body and sa

daged and she wa

d he? He


she gonna

on what to do, she saw a f

other, s

for him to finish

Tears suddenly started pouring fr

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