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Beauty's Beast

Beauty's Beast


Chapter 1 Changes

Word Count: 1451    |    Released on: 23/10/2021



enemies closer, not everyone ha




e from the curtains and I groa

such a long night at the bar and I'm having

ed up the bottle of aspirin on my desk and gulped it

op and searched the

rolicking with a g

the comments and

low life. who would've thought that

but I didn't feel bad and neither did I cry. for what anyway?

real news. but everyone could sa

dad walked in with a

on the bed. I don't want him to see


ok the tray from him

?" he said and I stopped halfwa


finish th

you to your room. you don't have to do this to yo

f "don't start please. I

years already. you hav

I wasn't the cause of everyt

very second of my life cleaning up your mess. And I know that it's only a matter of time before I loose investors as well. I miss my daughter Amber." h

mom died,

phase as you would call

celebrities hanging on them. Instead of a normal teenage girl room

only difference was that I

friends instead of females. I don't even have friends to begin

u bleed on those who didn't cut you" he said befor

t but he loves me very much cause in his own words, I

ionaire and a proud owner of MYER'S PRESTIGE, he

Deep down I know I caused everything. I took away the only source of our happiness. I made dad a widower. Dad always believed that I was still traumatized from what happened and that I would get over it soon but it never happ

hed into the bathro

ck pants with black

e and the keys t

my 16th birthday and I p

to the living room and sa

" I asked cause he neve

led my board meeting today. now I have to meet


day is tomorro

at's what I tell him every year but I never celebrate. I just visit mom's gr

of you especially Chairman Kim. I wish things would just go

es your collection. your

anymore. I hate it now" I tell him. Actually,

and at a time I was his best designer, hoping to take o

s the globe and I had was hop

your mind very soon. Anyways I'm

we both walked outside.

rry to d


e engines an

even dad thinks I've got to let go of everything and focus on what lies ahead. Do I even know what the future holds for me? I'm just a

ll when I realized wha

ith my motorcycle. why me? why do I constantly want to e

where he was on the ground. "A.. Are you okay

s when he looked at me but he gave me a weird lo

off the ground and he took it. "Thanks"

re we

ended not to hear and mounted back on my

elmet back on my head. I caught him st

'll see yo

to" I replied be

nally thinking about how I would've been arrested

er her pay before

nd probably thin

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