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Beauty's Beast

Chapter 2 Tasha

Word Count: 1963    |    Released on: 23/10/2021


ing my cheeks. I woke up to embrace the

dad and

nce you said you don'

what's the worst t

cake and it w

on the oven didn't you?" I gr

f cake and place

ake. it wasn't that good but for the fact that he made it just for m

ur stomach to deal with later" he

you" he said placing a small

?" I asked g

it" he

ully decorated to get to the inside.

e tears building up. I brought out the necklace which was embedded with d

ing it from my hands. he unhook

e wanted to give it to you once you turned eigh

iss her. I just wish she never died.

me if wishes were horses then I'd ri

this dad.

love you too" he said pul

s what I need

. she loves that flower and today is her de

ave and placed

ers, died Ma

been happening so far and I just wanted to tell you that... that" I said breaking down "I miss you mom. so much that it hurts. all this isn't just me. you were the only one who could put things together and I'm just a complete mess without you. D

my eye

every year. and this year is

he cemetery. I mounted on my bike an

ge but I dropped out after my

e bar and order

ol as the waitress placed

table indicating that I wanted a refill. I think she

a bit quiet. it wasn't as crowded

nd sat down next to

I realized that he was the same guy I almost knocked down with my mot

but this time waving hi

there's no need f

wants us to meet and

y you've been

doing here?" he asked taking another

rinks on me" I said picking up the

rl's birthday is supposed to be wi

years ago when I was the other version

is anothe

ottles with me, this is the best birthday pa

ll and headed

drive y

my motorcycle is for"

et to know yo

hy?"I asked an

ow as f

all calling


ld utter another word, I was already off. I got home

ack or anything. only mom, dad and i knew

ame for years. so most times, I get i

, I heard voices comin

dad up

meet him and there she was sitting on the couc

ting. he walked up to me and kissed me on


e that it's your birthday today" she s

she doing her

ough his hair before

pen. "Tasha, this is my daughter Amber" he said and sh


and I have been friends for

m before walking out on the

me but I didn't respond

, he opened the d

ear which is to say that I

to see him and focused on my laptop bu

"is your fiancee gone already. I thought you guys w


e you dating her even when you were marri

would n

wanted another mother. no one can e

age. Everything happened so fast and before I knew it, we were already dating. she usually visits me at work and we've been going out on dates and I just decided to make it

thrice, in fact I th

er" I finally managed to s

it's better if we just start afresh and put

was five. I grew up with her by my side but she died. and

ower so that you don't end up regretting this decision for the rest of your life. I'm sick and tired of watching you ruin your life. you think that

about you. Maybe Tasha is the woman to bring you out

fore but please don't replace her" I begged allowing the

fore saying "I'm sorry, but

ad and he gave h

the door and letting

ow like a friend, I'll be right here for you. your dad told me everything and I know it's not easy for you trust me, My daughter was also like this when she lost her

r a hug and I reluc

for this

for the first time in ages, I

truly happy to see him like this but I don't know why something deep

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