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Beauty's Beast

Chapter 4 Suspicions

Word Count: 1216    |    Released on: 23/10/2021



he's not what sh


's wr

d with a smile

ill looking

viously feeling conf

tell him standing

ood u

in tha


y did you act so off immedi

ing at the pap

nal so yes

my pockets as I outside to

nmental to see if Maybe I can cat

ed into thin air and what d

m so co

alking about Ta

then how does

hey f


ust confirmed my suspicion that so

she's hiding something. the Aura a

h that goody good shoes cha


ed the engines

lk to dad an

nd rushed inside

e was od

ody? where is T

when I got closer, I started hearing voic

d yet and I don't want people to start pointing fingers at me. it'll be

a problem trust me. I

is she talki

een trying his best to make her

nd I want what

sounding di

planning somethi

ed I walked aw

back from work and I rushe

ately he stepped into the living room "please"

Denisha both rushe

ney" she said ki

me hom

isha? hope your

s kinda boring though. I just s

ive me a chance to show you off as the new member of our f

thanks Dad" she

the family now and as your dad, I owe you

to do all this"Tasha

and I think it's part o

ou" I said with a frown. he's total

Tasha and th


ate" I said stress

and led the way

l me about Tasha now?" he ask

t's going to so

you've done a background check on Tasha and you're

e is up to something. she's hiding something. look at this"

is trying to tell

er today from an anonym

didn't write this to frame


l and maybe you wrote this to make me see her

he thinks I'm trying to frame Tasha. how

entionally to frame Tasha. you know

ink I know you anymore. everyday yo

ning to me" I half yell

s try and ruin Tasha's name. she's my fiancee Amber. your mother t

oom without sparing me a single

to loose my da

chased a

t been the best daughter all these years but please ju

ry Amber

ghter walked up t

ur life. it's either you send her away or I leave ins

e. but the look in his eyes, the longing

he takes in sharp brea

a and I want you both with me. don't m

't trust h

whether you like it or not. you shouldn't judge people. I raised you better than

as that eff

room. I stood there trying to console myself but what I

ht me staring at her but she's just proven

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