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The Watchers –Elementals

The Watchers –Elementals


Chapter 1 Adike

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

p enough to kill. She threw it at her opponent, who raised her two hands palm close

by slamming her two hands on the ground. The ice-covered floor turn to pure solid frost that shoots sharp ice crystals, fast and deadly towards Adeke's direction, she took a deep breath, feeling the ice that

ice shield. She lay there a minute, groaning. Adike flung b

d, removing her training leather gauntlet. She was clad in the b

ere either born with the watcher's blood or you are not and if you were bor

e ice element. The strongest, except of

er guard– it's made up of him and Bukolasince there's no need for many guards in

ere cap." Ola gave hi

harply. "If it's in real battle her ladyship must b

el the stings. It's the truth after all. She did use brute f

g by the arrival of a page

ing. Adike smiled at him, his face blushed blue, hardly noticeable with his ebony black s

stle is built for its beauty but also for defense. Made of white stone and

that lead to her father's study, the guards at the walls straighten and salute at the sight of her. She acknowledged them absently, her mind on what her f

s made of half metal armor and blue leather. They wore one short sword and daggers at their waist, in case they

parse, made so by her father. The walls and bookshelves are painted b

wards her, he was a powerful man, tall and muscular, with a face carv

ords had worst tempers. He turned to her, eyes glowing brightly, it looks as if blue orbs ha

found." Her fathe

or what her father said to penetrate. Her heart rate speeds up, found,

can tell. She had been training since to read faces for their hidden secrets. She h

my domain, west o

ords to guard and protects. This is bad news for the west, both in the human realm and the one and five realm – the name of the home of Ànj

going to do?" S

"Do? There's nothing to do but

efore losing a big breath, he sat in one of the two chairs there. "The council is turned Adike,

re, he didn't need the cloak of course anyone from the west doesn't fear the cold elements – it moves in their vei

of the wolves, Adik

ing. "Nobody will think it odd that the heir to the west watch is visiting the outposts of the

Not now, she'd find him later. She bo

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