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The Watchers –Elementals

Chapter 4 Mikel

Word Count: 1198    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

she's a make-up artist, but then he remembered the look on her face and shudders, and what is wrong with h

ith a teasing smile, Mike scowled. He knew they didn't hear a w

rl?" He asked. " Do you know h

sion change, from open

don't k

y because he's tired and besides, he doesn't want to find out


r room one-room apartment. Mikel froze. looked at him and for the first time of meeting him, he fel

hardly making any sound, that moment it stuck Mikel how dangerous he looked. Mikel took two steps, to get a better look at him but the moment he saw the door he was up

Fire. The room smelled like fire, who would come to his room to set it on fire. If you want to rob, why would you n

o set his room on fire? His pictures and

ire and then touched with lightning. Outside, the black Cloud turns cloudy and thunder ro

rom far away. Control it? Control what? It looks as if his head would

exploded in his head made him lie down quickly. He scanned the room, small but tidy, the paint on the walls may at one time be cool blue but now it's faded b

smiled at him, she looked at him for a moment and said. " Your mama called, said not to give you any drips or injection, you were said to hav

on and drips? He can't remember ever being sick, how can his mother know h

came in, he'd change his cloth to a type of black fatigue fitted from head to

're awake. You

e turns her

top shouting? T

in, he cut a very handsome figure. She shakes her head at him, muttering as she went

returned with a wide smile, hove

ed he remembers that it's not always that he smile, he hadn'

s nothing." He said the smile he gave him this time is l

e.." He searched for

then he smiled, more wildly than before. "I don't know, I thought y

stopping any come back he may have. He looked

take it here. Maybe it's a woman? His mother perhaps or maybe it's his girlfriend. Thinking of their girlf

thoughts, Posi entered, loo

artment, then remembered that they don't have an apartment again. Posi

for tonight and look for

t about my mother calling?" He asked. Posi gave hi

our sleep now an

at happened earlier today, but the truth is he

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