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The Watchers –Elementals

Chapter 2 Mikel

Word Count: 994    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

that the clou

sts a short video of strange lights that glows in the sky. The video had show the sky been lit up of different colors –blue, green, red, and yellow. The light had formed a chained-like image in the sky. Mikel's new roommate

nough to get you late if you wake before 6 a.m., especially if you hav

galow, using one hand to tie his shoes, the other to comb his cut short black hair.

igerians are not conscious of time, which mike is not proving wrong by

on the school group on Facebook a few weeks after the admission was confirmed, posi had posted that he's looking for a roommate to rent an apartment, which he had commented – he had replied to nu

ed him, he didn't know he had gotten so close to him, h

have to walk from the inner part of the street where their apartment is locat

the ones on the left side, he was running for the X–the building where he was to have his first lesson, introduction to history – he was running so hard he almo

the girl, she h

k at the girl, and shivers, it looks like a deep freezer staring at you, the already cloudy sky seems to grow darker, and thunder rumbles breaking the staring contest between Mikel's roommate and the girl, who both look up at the black cloud – Mikel take the time to study h

if she's talking to him but since there is only him and posi here he decided to ans

s all over the country, only in Nigeria." But she wasn't looking at him anymore, she was looking

rned to go. moving briskly between the students, she moved like a ghost o

t to be late." Posi's v

ave him a brief smile. "It would have set

im an odd lo

ay of the week, month even year can tell

reading his hands. "Well, since you haven't started it by kn

rd nothing but Mikel didn't think he'll have heard anything sin

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