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Taming Maria Carey

Taming Maria Carey

Author: Kay write

Chapter 1 The contract

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

as her maid ran out of

yelled as she bang her hand on the table. "Am sorry miss but you said I should make y

offee Lexie an


muttered and

ulate me not to insult, you Maria said an

. I hate you kiara how dare you elope with him, you know I love him and cared for him and

thought you aren't my mother that you adopted me, you never have time for your own daughter Maria yelled as she stare at her mom frame in he


ook moody, no work today

art, so am preparing the poem am gonna told her to

far, by making Chloe fel

paid, I work according to the boo

g, he's using you for his own benefits James wake up man Finn said but

wish to be his puppet or something I got know other choice, huh do pl

g rich girls to fall for me, it not that easy, I control myself not to be

nd find something else to do James said and Finn s

atiana before she return with the

ily, James muttered feel

l in love, and start a family it's all going to be good Finn assu

tered to himself as he took his coat, his phone rang from his jeans jacket, he took it out and check the call

a life time money, all you have to do is to tame the rich girl Maria her father send us

s, am still working with that girl I haven't tam

is to check the profile am gonna send to you and study her likes and disli

ly the club, you have to find means to get her attention James;?, This mission is very important to me, and the first rule,

with her,I got know time for love work

read her profile and know more about her he said as James sc


eck her iphone only to see her dad miss call and she hiss. Did he really missed me muttered to herself

go insane she murmur to herself as she wo

bikini and a

she applied a l

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