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Taming Maria Carey

Chapter 3 Traveling to Boston

Word Count: 994    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

e he yelled as tears roll down is cheek, he couldn't believe he was

he said to himself as he wipe is

per he whisper to himsel

at he said to him

face and he smiled. She's drunk he said and move

n to say gibberish, James smiled as

ke up and find herself in my lounge she's gonna go insane. No I don't wanna ruin

one checking out who he's gonna call. He saw her d

el and she's really drunk, maybe you should come pick her up before she throw up he

es muttered and

rived he said as he stared into

runk like this he muttered to himself as he a foots

ed James. "Am the one you call just

lly drunk you can make hot coffee for her w

ss,she own you one the ma

and waved goodbye at him

dn't remember what happened last night, s

ll James face, that crazy guy, I can

ttered to herself as she check

he muttered to herself. No this can't not be true Mar

creamed as she got

ie asked?. Do I said you should asked me t

p me home yesterd

he driver…, le

me who the hell order him

g your phone, he said you're drunk that he should come p

erself down, the situation turn me to an angry p

o you lexie said

n't let what they did to you affect your feelin

s you, but you don't need it, do I say I need an advice from a low

tell you, your

ve this opportunity because my dad want you here, or else I can fire you right now.so don't ever try to interfere in my pe

aid as bowed her head

, As she screamed. I can't believe I allowed my ang

screamed, just g

. Raise your head up I don't need

said, I don't need your

alled you from the hotel t

cool guy Drake said and smiled

sked?, Yes I thought he lounge at yo

w Maria said a

gonna frustrate his life, that he he'd wish he sho

s phone and dailed Finn number but it's

dn't even call me, maybe if am g

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