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Taming Maria Carey

Chapter 5 Playing with fire

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

have to impress him, what I did was so wrong my conscience won't let m

favorite, snacks cheese

onna go wrong for me and gotta make up something In other not to be


ok the call, she called o

, Alice said, but don't you take you're going behond your boundaries, Tina sa

ced how beautiful and endowed I a

the end, and think about the conquence of invo

dude and am gonna go through any means to have him alice th


es muttered to himself as is stoma

ress knock, "Come in

as a little bit late the waitress

James muttered he was not expecting her to also be the serve

am beautiful she said as she move closer to

do you think

the hell out of my sight before I lose it James said camly, and don't you eve

head and eyed him before leaving. She swayed her

got to the big spacious sitting room,her dad loved

The family frame was hung

w a bit of love to Is only daughter since she was born, all he do for us t

she wondered why her own

oni not serve yet"

rder before we could bring anything

Lexie you'r

so stupid Maria

ght now, lexie said as she w

to call me before I can serve your


re in Ca

ily, the leader of the gangster said to their boss wh

occur, I bet he doesn't regain is memories

eally is, I know if he regain is memories he won't like himself, cause I can't

little boy was a threat to him, his fa

hey both made that can get fetch th

ly so that he could have

nd daughter but he couldn't imagine that i

t the mafia muttered with

want is for the boy to be dead he mustn't regain is

m or figure out where is staying at the moment the gang leader who is the talle

st find him no matter what, he mu


s and stubbornness, she was trying to lure me into sleeping with

ng guy again James muttered to himself as he took th

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