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The Oak

The Oak


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 383    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

er, but what if the water is deadly


of alcohol running in her blood stream. She staggered across the dan

mes from a prestigious family of neuro surgeons. She herself aims to be one, and had worked herself to

for a night out, upon h

eneral H

ing room. His shift has ended hours ago, but due to their hospital's lack of competent staff, h

reamed one of the nurses. Mendez ac

tuation?" the

vere head trauma, and multiple lacerations to the muscles of

me up." Dr. M

knowledge that gained him a huge and respected reputa

!" yelled a young man, wearing

xperience, and that is evident by the shaking of his han

p that scalpel inside your pat

s place, but before he could, his heart hammered, his eyes almost fel

is heart shattering at the dish

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