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The Oak

Chapter 4 First Day

Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

spring air was crisp with a bitter chill that al

n, and the first thing she noticed—was the cold feel of the door knob with

. Cordillia shook her head, thinking, it is an old house after all. Despite the newly paint

ded on bacons and eggs because it is the only available dish she

shly fried bacon, turning the sweet smell of country air i

her brother Luke, Marvin fell to a step

with a spread of lovingly prep

e all famished," she said as she laid

Cordillia," Samantha answ

oming down for

a reply. The house maid laid rest her curiosity and went on to st

mured after eating a few bites of bacon. Samantha

's death harder. Everyone did, but Luke showed the biggest change after Avery's funeral. Her son was a promising student, just like Avery-he too was a s

y, just to get my self familiar

otective mother, specifically to Carmina. What happened to Avery was—tears immediately welled

t me to, I just asked, and if it's a no,

had she had done. They are here to start anew and here she

n go around town and explore." She answ

ested, hoping it will ease some of the

iled and an

d the talk his wife and kids had over breakfast. It broke his heart further. Samantha used to be strong and carried a huge trust in her kids ability to protect themselves. She thrived in the knowledge that they are

ime with his family upon their arrival, but the breakfast scene forced him to change his plan. He called the public hospital and asked if he could start tomorrow instead. The answer was as he expected—they will be happy to him. Because despite the incident of his daughter,

hold fell silent and the cold breeze from the wal

his room. He can't take Avery out of his mind. She haunts his every sleeping hour and even when he is

er he can hear her. With her voice


as soft but mournful, and it bro


lf—she will probably remain in his hea

I...I can't

s bed and began to crane his neck hyster

breathe." His siste

indow, where the voi

, her dress torn with blood oozing from her injured head. Her foot is b

ad of landing on the ground—Luke found himself under the cov

He closed his eyes, and despite the erratic beati


onger, he could have felt it—the cold and m

The knife he needed to pry open their

smiled. If it had a voice, it wou

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