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Wanting Damien

Wanting Damien


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1240    |    Released on: 30/11/2021

saw that her brunette hair and br

be for one. She had recently finished her studies in culinar

s going to show and serve them. She

p her hair into a ponytail. She put on he

itchen shoes and

on but she had no choice but to work as a per

she worked as long as it was paid for was

seemed to be a private residence th

nd she was surprised at how huge the place was. It was a man

to whom she was and that she was

river and got out of the car. Raven walked up to the doo

ust be

t's nice to

," the la

he place was way too huge and she wonde

were multiple divided workstations

job. There is a time limit of forty-five minutes. Good luck, the results will

They were so many chefs applying, s

scrambling back and forth as trying to make a dish that would

and times was up. Our meals were co

nd when she heard the others discussing as to what t

single chef in the room was on their nerves. Raven

g to the interview, and I would like the chef from workstation

She was number five! She felt numb and was in disbelie

h the elderly lady, they stopped in

l congratula

you s

living here as you will be making breakfast, lunch, and supper. Sometimes tea, depending

ed, "Who i

er you prepare the food the other girls

, got

you move

is fine

ruck but the lesser things you bring the better as the gues


ere a prob


start cooking on the following day. Here is the contract, yo

," Raven

mmediately, she didn't have the time to laze aro

s so she could arrange the move. Raven

to worry about rent nor food. She couldn't miss out on thi

d in, she got in the front seat. When she arrived a

tels that had been. She was given a house tour

he rest of the afternoon unpacking, she

early as she was exhausted, luckily the boss wasn't there and she wou

everything, she met the other girls who served the boss. She couldn't belie

siness trip for three weeks and they were all

saw the girls scrambling to take the wine and she was back in the kit

nd she was glad to see that he had fini

ks at the mansion and she was too

r meals and everything was

to her room and changed into her

thirsty. She checked the time and it was

e got to the kitchen and poured herself a

aven dropped her glass

handsome man with jet b

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