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Chapter 2 My Final Decision

Word Count: 1204    |    Released on: 01/12/2021

can tell you. Their family is kind so I'm sure their

not ready to get

h you even if you want to! you and your wife are ol

cause you might just hit us. Th

ld not accept that b

ay. He told me to tell you about this wedding.

when mom fin

r friend, mom and dad, That's a close family bec

o didn't want me and mom to be difficult because there were only two

honey, you c

g to the bedroom" then

later for dinner. I don't

, Where i

first, his aunt

k mom, I'm

ter mama, because I'm

oney! You need

words before i ar

ut I'm not sleepy. Just staring at the

han three years now. Just last month mo

best friend and thier close family. Me and the boy, the son of papa's friend, saw us playing. He said I

and dad were like that, they also got along in their time. And the only di

I can't even remember how he looked and w

Since the dowry when we got married. Our bankrupt c

ck. Until we redeemed the company. Because he was in debt, no one seemed to be able to face papa then. So

ts to think for me. even so, I thought car

e and dad likes it. Maybe dad is just

o want to get our company back. I will do it for dad and mom it also in the company too. Which is mom always said it that the

o's t

ster! We are

ight, I'

t was that just this afternoon and now the speed of time is gone

as I stepped, on the floor, it was that I exac

my eye bag! Getting" i whisper t

o eat! You might get sick from

down while I walke

ke a ghost woman! ” th

too bulgar! "I j

stressed, look you're so beautifu

ressed about it, know you wh


or that's, its time


e you go, just eat bef


e finished eating i went in the living area, I seated here and staring at the wall. While

why I grew up to be a kind child. Obedient, and loving, because that's what mom and dad teaches me to be a good person. S

u still thinking

om, I've already

is tha

get married, but not yet

happy for you, so you won't always be an

ad so I will agree to get married. I'm sorry mom i took so long to tell you my decision. Even without

my room you can take your time now" Jing said

od night" m

eep well" and i wav

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