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Haunted Love

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 569    |    Released on: 01/04/2022


going to interview them personally" Cole said to h

the door for a young lady putting on crop

e as he stared at t

upefied shooking his head in disbelief k

the interview" the lady repl

He asked

b here is as a cook?

eplied with her

disgustingly as he felt he couldn

lowing such indecent dressing but he by p

She stammer

fired at her and she sc

another lady came i

cause the lady in front of him was looking like a clown. Her

t sense of mind to have dressed that wa

ize when he st

lady joined him

her a strict glare

tered beckoning on his

h disappointed

ew off but he reasoned that won't be the best op

he call

ither. Her face was just perfect, her nose pointed, brown

rise shocking face' as

seen a ghost which made him wo

le trying his best to

she sta

ew she was still in shock from

of him, he didn't know what to do t

e had always like everyone being scared of him but he

ed again but more formally han

ied jolting ba

ean your experience in this job

r brown eyes, he wished he could spen

n she started explain

ed" he told

your nam

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