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Stammering Hearts

Chapter 2 You Won't See Him Anymore

Word Count: 1260    |    Released on: 08/12/2021

t was in Lake's favorite teddy bear again. S

each arm of the toy and kept on pulling o

expensive and favorite vase. The vase f

ina also heard it because she immediately went wh

hter back and forth. Leina's face darkened upon seeing the broken v

-" Lak

his toy, Mommy. But then-

ys cause head ache to me!" Leina said as she grabbed Lake's arm w

s mother. He's obviously scared of her. He didn'

holding on to her friend’s arm whi

h can't help call

ing at him. "It is not Lake who broke the vas

sed by what he said.

you, Mommy," Lottie

a turned to Lake. "You can't blame me. You'd always brea

d instructed her to clean the broken vase. She invited Ree


iving room. He was surprised to see that Rush is

'thank you' when R

welve. Yes, your stuttering had lessened, but for God's sake

s still there, yes, but what if he's gone? Like now, why didn't you said that it was

forming in his eyes while

tand up for yourself. Why did you let them think wrongly of you?" Rush sighed in exa

rned his back on him. His word

s a c


y changed his clothes, then took out a pi

and stared at the boy in the pic

n the living room. Whenever he is sad, he will just

eir house, it doesn't mean that he doesn't notice t

hen his mother and his Aunt Reena are talking about Rush, he listens intentl

sports. So how will he befriend h

at he is dumb. He's already thirteen years old and he still

le. He knows that Rush wouldn't

t, you're crus

heard Lottie speak behind him. He d

he picture under

, I already know that you have a crush on Rush. Yuc

t's no

sh is about to leave you. You won't

close. Even though he wants to get close to her, it feels like the

New York. He will leave you now. How

ie was saying because he had

e are going to their house later- for Rush's fare

ther told him to change his clothes because they will go to Bray

h them that night. He knows that his mother won't complain because

n knowing that he feels something special for Rush. He knows that what he f

can't breathe properly. That's why he's mad and scared at

you, Rush. Be careful to where you're going. Take care of yours

that, he cl


ke did not arrive with his family. He almost wanted to co

im is missing. He doesn't understand the heaviness in his h

oon. "Please take good care of Lake while I'm awa


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