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Stammering Hearts

Chapter 5 Meeting You..Again

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 08/12/2021

for a long while now but his

n his lips hasn't

Lake's beautiful face. He had no choice but to be co

an't help himself from worrying when nig

already retired in her room but Rush was still left worrying in the big living room

the front porch of the house. And imagine his surprise and h

g his eyes shut, he knows who Lake was expecting on the other side of the door.

vered Lake's face wh

it was a face he knew well enough.

inny boy with an almost flat hair

like those long, dark lashes that framed his often shy Med

. Is Lake

though others can't see, he had always noticed that behind those shy eyes was inte

death, aside from what his mother told him. And he real

he heard the news about Finlay's death.

him to do that. He was in

he different branches of his company. After all, he had already d

ter his graduation, he was both happy and devast

best. Because if he had seen Lake that time, he wil

. And just like what always happens

eep with Lake


ing his paintings to Jade's studio. She's

ds to have at least twelve paintings to show Mr. Kimu

ill needs to see his works and if he will like the

one is very personal to him. It was too special f

ook at it carefully, you will notice that in the middle

l recognize that face even if

motions for the older man. And it feels like what

to get out of the house early to avoid being seen by his mother. She will surely get mad at him if she

any while Lottie has her own flower shop. He did not want to work in hi

t the breath that he'd been holding. He passed the subdivis

gain," He nerv

finally stopped. The only thing he seemed to be lucky about

w. Don't do this to me, p

disappoint him, it had to be now. He w

been the one to fix his car. And since his father died, his car didn’t rebel too much

uddy? Why now?" Lake asked his

repair shop to end his problem. Talking to

rong?" He heard

probably just got out of the subdivision too, where they're

ain. Gosh, how do I look

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