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Fulfilling The Billionare's Pleasure

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1664    |    Released on: 05/01/2022


und the building and all I see is simplicity. I followed the address on the document which Hector did h

ble during this time. What happened last time must have been a glitch in her system because she looks to be more responsible than that. She has herself a job and

hat was a funny move, I found myself grinning like a fool. Doesn't she want to see me or is she afraid of me seeing h

n. I know she is trying really hard to act professional and I don't want to make this difficult for her. My presence is already mak

have here at Taste's Home," I respond with

something to interest me, other than the waitress that seems to want to ignore me. Maybe I should have asked Hector to go join me in here. The place is so qui

to me. I open it and scan it twice without

ht her off guard because her eyes go wide and then she frowns

nds, more of a quest

while placing the

k?" she asks me w

ner somewhere else," I say, selecting my words caref

t you would like to have and we would prepar

fer you address me by it. I insist on the dinner b

in a dee

s. I am still on duty," she responds. I chuckle at her response and then cock my h

ime," I say while checking my watch. Ye

go," I tell her, proving my point t

take care of within the restaurant

she gasps. Yes, I have everything taken care of. I am not going to let her go e

managed to get her out of there, despite the fact that I had to break a lot of rules

ly turns and looks me in the eyes. That look! It is a wa

w that I work he

aughs at my response. Well, at least

around. I know you didn't. Are you

n't qualify it as stalking, doesn't it?" I ask her. She pockets her hands in her

g me?" she asks me,


not telling?

uor involved," I respond and she grins at m

men's hotel rooms," she says, and I mentally ro

nd open the door for her. She gets in and sits. She looks up at me, big brown eyes seeking mine. I try not to get captivated and

and I turn my attention back to t

doing this?

rying to underst

on't see why you have to do this. You probably hav

work. Besides, it is just tonight," I tell her. I wish it was more than tonight. I didn't want to spend the weekend at my hotel. If Hannah could accept to go with me home, to my house for the weekend, then everyth

ing while I walk Hannah inside. He eyes room around the place while we enter. The amazed fac

l her while pulling out a chair for her from the table I have chos

oing to such a place? I could have passed by

on't you like the

aring! It is so out of this place," she tell

u look great," I tell her. She takes in a d

e where. I don't want you to stay here and pretend to be okay when you

t, you know, I could have dress

nd she grins at me. She immediately pulls her lip between her teeth to co

scare Hannah away when I just got the chance to be with her

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