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His Saving Grace

Chapter 4 Harry

Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

down at the text and he looked back out and saw Lachlan waving at him. He turned whit

ng bullets Harry?" Due

ead asking for the money or anything, we go

word. They got up and followed him outside. "Fo

e to do the dirty work, why can't you do it

what is going on. Just do it and don't g

llowed Harry to his place of work and tried to

not sure which one, I don't know he was across the str

r ass back h

is it,

ck here and

e window and saw him waving from across the street then disappeared. Harry excused himself and hurried back to the office where he was confronted with all fi

te tip top shape like the brothers were. They just stood there and watched him wondering what he was pla

o do his eyes were like a feral cat ready to pounce and attack their enemy so they closed their circle in little bits at a time. Harry

off their game. But Mathe got to it and went right after him knocking him down after trying to outrun the br

with his head hanging down to the ground. He knew he was caught in a bad way and he knew they new he stole all that money but he hid it so well they had to put the pieces together before all of this would

him back to their limo. It was nothing new for Harry to ride in one as he took a

eard of the brothers by name never had meeting them, nor did he care to meet them until one day Evande

r all the brothers. That is when Harry had met those two brothers. Few days later he had met the rest of the

paper, pens, water for the brothers. Harry did not know what to think now since he never paid any mind how large the men were buil

see me Lachlan?

n dollars missing from our account on the new children's

lking about." Harry said looki

prehensive. They new he was lying and he new he'd been caught. He wasn't sure

afraid of them. He sat there for a while sweating bullets down his back, under arms, across hi

have proof of that, so would you like to tell us ho

like that, cameras are rolling."

swears that their eyes all changed colors and was in total shock. He was hoping that he would ne

hat did you do with the

ou are talking about,

ying and we know

down, but Evander wanted to go back in and he told t

got a phone call from the

the brothers so that he can move

one and take control of all the

smacked Hu upside the head (not the smartest skank on

b. But Evander kept asking him questions after questions pissing Harry

s for long hall and wold not get out of this

to talk and leave your bosses at work." Du wrote wit

st yet but would once he had

a clean break from the guys. He had to find a way to leav

t to get some sleep and start fresh tomorrow."

th us Harry?" Lachlan asked through gritted teach knowin

is all. So I bid you all a good night and do not call me again

re Lachlan or any of the others were not following him, a

the number that Harry just sent a text too. Champ was hoping that num

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