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His Saving Grace

Chapter 5 A Little Complication

Word Count: 959    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

achlan was to and about checking on the construction they had going on. He

re,” Harry said under his breath w

t. The skanks he was having lunch with looked at each other and back at him. They were curious as to what was h

ng bullets Harry?" Due

ead asking for the money or anything, we go

got up and followed him outside sticking a few feet behind

don't loose him.

e to do the dirty work, why can't you do it f

what is going on. Just do it and don't g

llowed Harry to his place of work and tried to

Mackley, not sure which one, I don't know h

move, their schedules understand

ill do tal

and rang, going to voicemail. Duey was not happy a

r ass back h

is it,

ck here and

siness to take care of. Boss wants to know every little detail about the Mackley boys, like their

“Could have just texted me and not get all upty up dumb ass. Besides I am older than you I should be bossing you around."

are to fucking soft for being bo

mean shit. You know I am the alpha

re as in

seems that there is $3 million dollars missing from our account on the

in his appearance and his demeanor, noticed he was acting apprehensive. They new he was lying and he new he'

one and take control of all the

smacked Hu upside the head (not the smartest skank on

s for long hall and wold not get out of this

to talk and leave your bosses at work." Du wrote wit

st yet but would once he had

a clean break from the guys. He had to find a way to leav

t to get some sleep and start fresh tomorrow."

th us Harry?" Lachlan asked through gritted teach knowin

is all. So I bid you all a good night and do not call me again,

re Lachlan or any of the others were not following him, a

the number that Harry just sent a text too. Champ was hoping that num

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