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Her One and Only

Chapter 4 The Lake Hounds Pack

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 15/01/2022

e. He knows we are coming this afternoon.” Champ tells the brothers. Mathe mind links the brother

day. Mathe just looked at her and with a gapping mouth ‘damn she looks good in anything, no not good sexy. Yeah that’s it sexy’ he says to hi

e that you can talk to. They know we are coming so don’t worry about being by yourself. Oh Padraig has a daughter about your age and is in Grap

meplace where I really do not kno

know some vegetarian dishes maybe you could make those for the people in the pack who could sto

done and dishes are put in the dishwasher they leave in one car. Two hours later they arrive Lak

r and Lachlan will want to talk to your person of interest. Champ here will tak

hospitality while we are here.” She kindly states.

“Carra will take you in the house and introduce you to our daughter which I believe she is close to your age?” He states with a question.

me birthday and they both are humans. Lacey has strawberry blonde hair that goes down to the middle of her back. She k

ack. Cassie made several cakes and cupcakes for deserts and made homage pasta noodles an

the bedrooms so they could shower and change from the torture they instilled on Harry. They were gone for over three hours aski

ces when there are several other places to go into. He was not even going to give up who Huey and Duey are or

conds and thirds for the food and they even still had enough room for desert. They even went back for thirds for that as well. Cassie made four

“They cleaned everything up, I have to take a picture of all this nobody at home would ever believe this if I told them.” She said out loud.

eats like this. She just looked at the young male wolf and said.“ Nope none o

it herself. Damhan was laughing at her in her amazement of how much food they all eat. Damhan and th

we at how much food there was and how it was all gone and not a crumb left. Dee was laughing and told wait t

and you can finish up tomorrow with your person of i

They took Bryce up on his hospitality and had an Omega show them their rooms. Evander and Lachlan shared a room while Mathe and Cassie had to share a room. Padraig and Carra did not know that they were not actually readily sharing a room just yet as they were taking things a little slow. 

Mathe and Cassie entered their room and got ready for bed. She was nervous for being in there with him but after being almost attacked the night before and was fine being with him. “You take the bed and I will sleep on the couch.” Mathe told her.

leep on nor big enough for you to move around like a bed. I do not mind you sleeping with m

close to him. He kissed the top of her head and back of her neck and should her and spoke to

what language?” Cassie

st darling.” He whispers back in her ear. And gives her a kiss go

“The dinner you and Lacey cooked tonight was out of this world. The best part was the spinach lasagna. That is now my favorite dish, please make it again.”

” Cassie reciprocated back a

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