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Her One and Only

Chapter 5 Harry's Interrogation

Word Count: 1268    |    Released on: 15/01/2022

asks Padraig and Champ as they are

“Not too far ahead we do not like to keep shit like this close to the house as we do not want to scare the women or the pups. They do not need to see or hear what is said or goes on in here.” Padraig says tells the brothers.

s to make sure there is nothing or no one that c

hoses so that clean up is easier and we can keep the stench out of here which keeps aw

re was an office on the right side which holds a desk and some bookshelves. Nothing fancy but just enough to keep track of who comes in and out specially the guards. It lets the Alpha, Beta and Gamma know

basement which holds criminals that caused minimal crimes that did not need to g

rapists, molesters, etc… This included thieves from the packs or other packs. Interr

nter in New York City at the main hospital. In addition there is a building being put up which will house a community center, homes, gym, a

The boys entered the cell where Harry was at. He was chained in everything a wolf, witch, vampire and such would be locked into then some. Harry could not move if he wanted to.

isn’t Harry the shankster who stole s

into our penthouse with you and your mate there. Found her room of all

e dies here today or not. He’s not worth the pot to piss in

d you break into our

“I needed a place to sleep since you all took everything away from me.” Harry exclaims.

ersey several miles away from New York. So again w

r since I am no longer on your payroll pretty b

and blood splattering and bones breaking. “NO! YOU HAVE

ows and shows his neck

is taking out a whip laced with silver balls at the end of the leather strip

ak into my home

still did not answer. With that Mathe took the whi

amn thing as you are all pond scum.

nd he stabs Harry several times but not where it will kill him. Just far e

the I think we need to do one more go around then get back

not smell that on you. Was it a muse that you were pulling or is there something that you are not telling us? You see the way we

l never talk. You see someone that is dear to you is very important and I came to collect her. Apparently it was the wrong bitch I

They turned and left him in the state and did not give him any medical attention. They want him to suffer until he starts talking. They turn on the cameras with voice in his cell. He does not know this and never will. 
Padraig tells them he will clean up the tools they used and to go ahead head back to the house and clean up. He waited till he heard the doors clothes and turns to Harry.

y will say when they see you all healed up tomorrow? I also want know what the hell did you do with my sister and

ls fishing up supper and look for an out to go change out of their clothes. Cass sees Mathe and asks how

ut did not say anything about it

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