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Queen Yuki

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 23/01/2022

he world, because they do not know the depths of darkness like many others. This is because there are organizations that seek the balance and survival of the human being regardin

f the fittest: the reality of the animal world to which they believe they do not belong. And they defend themselves against those "monsters", cornering them

a monster due to his inhuman nature "That they worship these divine forms,

ented" said a vassal who believed himself to be the great thing and spo

or that I am good. I said there is no such difference" he reaffirmed "It

e, we just have t

redulous tone was evident "I do not believe in you. I know that at any moment yo

ate your honest

ing at him from head to toe "I'll kill you on the spot" But his words only

e an excit

the time comes, I can assure you, it will be a one" sided slaughter. "I will

ula. But what does he plan

a bit, causing his eyes to look ba

pertinent? She is wiping out the vampire population even if she

made her like this. She perfectly demonstrates the strength of the order of the food chain: a queen can consume anythi

the race ourselves… Besides, once she's

new generation in her womb and she will not be able to live with it as long as she watches them destroy their beloved humans. It will be my most entertaining battle and most glorious victory. The indomi

I will fulfill your wishes. Just becau

sting, doing

ered, with an enormous smile "You just want to torture her for


point o

always lived in uncertainty to know what was due to that. That intensity of darkness was not something that was seen every day, much less any vampire had it.

chain? He was tremendously strong like Jose and Xander were, but he was on a psychological level that could not be understood. And

ful with that, you can c

ma was only transmitted live. She knew it wasn't that at all, so what the hell did he have? He had eaten his nails out of anxiety when he hadn't seen or heard him for a couple of days.

uki ... you a

ey both kept it a secret because they did not want to be separated in any way. Or at least that was what she believed or wanted to b

We have already co

rs of sadness instead of pain or fear. The air had left her lungs and she felt how she was bleeding, while she could not do anything because the wound in her chest had shocked her entire

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